Whispers of the Night - Chapter 4 - viidvsii (2024)

Chapter Text

As I woke up the next day, I felt a warmth all around me. I hummed contentedly, nuzzling into it, feeling my body heat transferring to the softness enveloping me. Despite the comfort, something inside me didn’t allow me to fall back asleep. Slowly, I opened my eyes, realizing what—or rather, who—I had been holding. My gaze traveled down, finding a bare chest and abs in view, and then up to meet a familiar co*cky expression.

“Blitz!?” I gasped, scrambling away and nearly falling off my bed. He watched me with a smirk, his co*cky smile widening.

“Knew you had a thing for demon sex. You were cuddling into me as if you had an ulterior motive~” he cooed teasingly, making me groan in embarrassment as I grabbed a pillow and slammed it onto his face.

He laughed, pulling the pillow off and placing it back onto my bed. I groaned again as I stood up, realizing I was wearing an oversized shirt that fell down to my upper thigh.

“Ugh, Blitz, what are you doing here?” I demanded, trying to maintain some semblance of composure.

He shrugged nonchalantly, stretching out lazily on the bed. “Just making sure you woke up on the right side of the bed, sweetheart.”

I rolled my eyes, feeling a mixture of annoyance and amusem*nt. “Right. Thanks for that, but I don’t recall inviting you to stay in my room.”

Blitz grinned mischievously. “Ah, come on. Where else would I be? Plus, you were practically begging for it last night. Shivered so much in your sleep I could hear it.”

I flushed crimson, mortified at the implication. “I was not! And you’re such a jerk.”

Blitz chuckled, unfazed by my indignation. “Relax, (Y/n). I’m just messing with you. We didn’t do anything sexual. Not into that non-con sh*t. Stolas said to keep an eye on you, so here I am. Remember?”

I looked at him in confusion before recalling the events of the night before. I glanced at my wrist, seeing the bracelet Stolas had given me. I sighed, rubbing my temples as I walked to my closet. I began to look for clothes, something suitable for my job at the library. I could hear Blitz moving around my room, yawning.

“So, what were you dreaming about that made you drool so much?” he asked, making me confused.

“I don’t know, probably food or something.” I turned to Blitz as I grabbed my work clothes, noticing him holding a pair of scandalous, red-laced underwear. He whistled at it.

“You should wear this for me sometime~”

“In your dreams.” I snatched it from him and placed it back into my drawer, slamming it shut. He sighed as he laid back on the bed.

“So, you work two jobs?” he asked.

“Technically four. I work at two places, but each has two jobs I work for. At the library, I’m a consultant. At the club, I’m a bartender, waitress, and dancer.” I didn’t know why I was telling him all this. I put on my pants, baggy enough to be comfortable but tight enough to leave little to the imagination. I glanced over at Blitz, who was watching me intently.

“You stayin’ for the show, or..?”

He chuckled and turned around, being decent enough to give me privacy. “Why do you work so much? Tryna get out of this sh*tty apartment?”

I took off my shirt, switched my bra, and got dressed in a tank top and cardigan. When I was done, he turned back around.

“I used to be in debt. Hospital bills, that type of thing. But recently, a bunch of tips and paychecks paid it off. But I like my jobs, so I’ll keep ‘em.”

He watched me eagerly. “Hospital bills? Were you sick?”

I tensed up, the trauma of hospitals flashing in my mind—my mother and father, my siblings, and then my own son. I inhaled sharply. “Told you my son’s dead.” My voice was cold.

Blitz’s expression softened, a rare moment of genuine concern crossing his face. “I’m sorry, (Y/n). I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

I shrugged, trying to brush it off. “It’s fine. Just... don’t ask about it again.”

He nodded, respecting my boundaries for once. “Got it.”

I finished getting ready, grabbing my bag and heading towards the door. “Heading to work, don’t burn my place down, kay?”

Blitz jumped off the bed, stretching. “I’ll come with you. Gotta keep an eye on you, remember?”

I rolled my eyes, a frown tugged at my lips as I sighed. “Alright, let’s go then.”

Millie and Moxxie were chatting quietly in the living room when I emerged from my bedroom, having heard me yell when I woke up. They looked up, concern and curiosity evident on their faces.

“You alright there, (Y/n)?” Millie asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

“Yeah, just startled, that’s all,” I replied, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. “Blitz has a way of making mornings interesting.”

Moxxie chuckled. “I can imagine. He’s got a knack for that.”

Millie’s expression softened as she looked at me. “If you need anything, just let us know. We’re here to help.”

I nodded, appreciating her kindness. “Thanks, Millie. I appreciate it.”

Blitz stretched lazily, glancing at Moxxie and Millie. “Alright, lovebirds, let’s not get too sappy. We’ve got a job to do.”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t suppress a smile. “Are you two coming with us?”

Millie and Moxxie exchanged a glance before nodding. “We’ll join you,” Moxxie said. “It’s better if we stick together.”

“Great,” I said, heading toward the door. “Let’s get going then. I’ve got a job to get to, and I’m sure you all have demon-y things to do or whatever.”

As we stepped out of the apartment, Millie walked beside me, her eyes scanning the surroundings. “So, (Y/n), what’s your plan for the day?”

“I’ve got my shift at the library first,” I explained. “Then I’ll head to the club later tonight. It’s a long day, but I’m used to it.”

Blitz walked ahead, turning to face us as he walked backward. “Library, huh? Sounds boring.”

I smirked. “It can be, but it’s peaceful. And it pays the bills.”

Moxxie nodded in understanding. “Sounds like a good setup. We’ll make sure nothing happens to you while you’re at work.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You’re planning to hang around the library all day?”

Millie grinned. “We’ll keep a low profile, don’t worry. We’re good at blending in.”

Blitz snorted. “Speak for yourself. I’m terrible at blending in.”

I groaned, the tension from earlier easing a bit. “Well, just try not to cause too much chaos. The library is supposed to be a quiet place.”

As we walked toward the library, I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of camaraderie with this bizarre group of imps in disguise.

When we made it to my job, I clocked in quickly and examined my schedule. I worked as the imps adventured, Millie occasionally helping me while Moxxie found his way toward the drama section and Blitz found the place boring as he followed me around. His eyes soon darted to a certain section, and he gasped. “You guys have sex books?! Ah hell yeah!!”

I ushered him to shut up, noticing the eyes darting to the group. He didn’t seem to care, grabbing a random book and reading through it. He skipped the slow-burn, going straight to the p*rn. I rolled my eyes, leaving him to his antics as I continued to work.

My co-worker, Isaac, called me over. I instinctively went to his side, grabbing a book off the tall shelf for him. He was much taller than me, which began confusing me slightly. I didn’t mind, though.

Perhaps his arms hurt.

He thanked me, soon complimenting me. “Thanks, (Y/n). You always know how to save the day.”

I blushed slightly, thanking him for the compliment. “No problem, Isaac. Just doing my job.”

He smiled, leaning against the counter as we talked. “You know, you’re pretty impressive. Managing all these jobs and still looking this good.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Well, it’s all about time management, I guess. And thanks, I try.”

Isaac leaned in a bit closer, lowering his voice. “You know, we should hang out sometime. Outside of work, I mean. Maybe grab a coffee or something?”

I nodded absentmindedly, not really catching his hint. “Yeah, coffee sounds great. I could use the caffeine boost.”

He chuckled, clearly realizing I wasn’t getting it. “You’re a tough one to crack, (Y/n). I was actually thinking more along the lines of a date.”

I blinked, finally registering what he was saying. “Oh! Uh, wow, I didn’t... I-” You began to laugh nervously, your face beginning to heat up.

As we continued talking quietly amongst ourselves, I could feel eyes on me. I glanced around and noticed Blitz watching us intently, an amused smirk on his face.

“Making new friends, my love?” Blitz called out, loud enough for others to hear. Issac watched in confusion.

I glared at him, trying to shush him. “Blitz, keep it down. This is a library, remember?”

Isaac looked between Blitz and me, raising an eyebrow. “Friend of yours?”

I sighed. “Yeah, something like that. He’s... a bit much sometimes.”

Blitz sauntered over, still holding his book. “Oh, don’t mind me. Just making sure my girl here isn’t getting into trouble.”

Isaac chuckled, clearly amused. “Well, I’ll leave you to your, uh, babysitting duties then. See you around, (Y/n).”

As Isaac walked away, Blitz leaned in close, whispering. “You know he’s totally into you, right?”

I rolled my eyes. “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

Blitz laughed. “You’re hopeless. But hey, makes my job more interesting.”

I shook my head, trying to focus on my work despite the distraction of my demonic entourage.

It was going to be a long day..

The day continued on, Isaac trying to talk to me but Blitz blowing him off. It was slightly annoying, and when it finally came time for me to leave, I thanked the gods above for making it less awkward than today. We returned to my apartment and I quickly changed into my next job's attire.

“Seriously, you don’t even give yourself a break before going to your next job?” Blitz gagged, but I ignored him as I looked at my schedule on my phone. A mixture of all three roles tonight, which meant I needed something comfortable yet provocative enough to get a rise out of customers.

I grabbed a skin-tight dress, stripping out of my clothes and putting it on. It complimented my curves, the V-line on my thighs prominent as the dress’s slits exposed my skin. The dress stopped in the middle of my thighs, only adding to my scandalous look.

As I exited my room, Blitz’s eyes immediately checked me out, a lecherous grin spreading across his face. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”

Millie blushed, purring quietly as she teased, “Looking good, sweet pea. You’re gonna have all the customers drooling over you tonight.”

Moxxie looked away out of respect, his cheeks slightly pink. “You certainly know how to make an impression,” he muttered.

I rolled my eyes at their reactions, grabbing my bag and heading toward the door. “Alright, you three. Let’s get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner I can get this shift over with.”

Blitz sauntered after me, his tone playful. “This should be fun. Watching you work your magic on those poor, unsuspecting humans.”

Millie giggled, following closely. “Just remember we’re here if you need us.”

Moxxie trailed behind, still a bit flustered. “And try not to cause any more trouble, Blitz. We’re here to protect, not to create chaos.”

Blitz waved a hand dismissively. “Yeah, yeah. I know the drill.”

As we made our way to the club, I couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of anticipation and anxiety. This job was always a challenge, but with my demonic entourage, tonight promised to be even more interesting than usual.

The walk to the club was filled with the usual banter between the imps, but I could sense the underlying seriousness of their presence. As we approached the neon-lit entrance, I took a deep breath and steeled myself for the evening ahead.

The bouncer, a burly man named Tony, nodded at me as I approached. “Evening, (Y/n). Ready for another busy night?”

“Always,” I replied with a smile. “These are… friends of mine. They’ll be hanging around tonight.”

Tony raised an eyebrow but didn’t question it further. “Just keep them out of trouble.”

I chuckled. “I’ll do my best.”

Inside, the club was already buzzing with activity. The dim lighting, pounding music, and a sea of people set the stage for the night. I made my way to the staff room, quickly checking in with my manager, who gave me a rundown of the evening’s events.

“You’re on bar duty for the first hour, then switch to waiting tables. We might need you on stage later if it gets busy,” he said, barely glancing up from his clipboard.

“Got it,” I replied, heading to the bar to start my shift.

The club was a sensory overload: a cacophony of pounding music, flashing neon lights, and the constant hum of conversation. The walls were lined with plush velvet booths, and the bar was a sleek, polished stretch of mahogany, gleaming under the dim lighting. On the opposite side of the club, the stage was a prominent centerpiece, surrounded by tables and filled with patrons eager for the night’s performances. The atmosphere was electric, a mix of anticipation and excitement permeating the air.

Blitz, Millie, and Moxxie spread out, trying to blend in while keeping an eye on me. Blitz, of course, gravitated towards the bar, taking a seat and ordering a drink with a wink. “Hey there, gorgeous. What’s a guy gotta do to get a little extra service around here?”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smile. “You know the rules, Blitz. No freebies, even for ’friends’.”

He laughed, taking his drink and settling in to watch. Millie and Moxxie took up positions where they could see both the entrance and the stage, their keen eyes scanning the crowd.

As I worked behind the bar, my hands deftly mixing drinks and filling orders, I scanned the crowd. That’s when I noticed a familiar figure entering the club. Stolas walked in, his presence immediately commanding attention. I couldn’t help but smile as I saw him approach. Blitz, sitting at the bar, narrowed his eyes in a glare.

“Princey, my favorite customer!” I greeted, leaning over to kiss Stolas’s cheek. He blushed slightly, the red hue contrasting with his pale complexion.

“Bourbon?” I asked, already reaching for the bottle.

He nodded, his eyes following my movements. As I poured his drink, I couldn’t help but notice how out of place he looked in the bustling, chaotic environment of the club. Yet, there was something undeniably alluring about his presence here.

I smiled as I handed him his drink, Blitz watching you in curiosity as he looked at the bracelet on your wrist. You watched Stolas grab his drink, noticing a matching bracelet. Blitz seemed to notice as well.

“How cute, friendship bracelets.” He hissed, making you scoff as you went back to work.

The first hour flew by in a blur of drink orders and small talk. I could feel the eyes on me, both from the patrons and my unlikely bodyguards. Every now and then, I’d catch a glimpse of Blitz making faces at customers or Millie giving encouraging smiles when things got hectic.

As I transitioned to waiting tables, I found myself carrying trays of drinks through the crowded space, my dress drawing more than a few appreciative looks. One particularly forward customer reached out to touch my arm as I passed, but a sharp glare from Blitz made him think twice.

“Thanks,” I mouthed to Blitz, who gave a smug nod in return.

The night continued, the club growing busier and louder. At one point, the manager tapped me on the shoulder. “It’s packed out there. We need you on stage for a set later. You up for it?”

I nodded, feeling the familiar mix of nerves and excitement. “Sure thing.” I wiped the table, noticing a group eyeing at me. I arched my back slightly, earning whistles as I wiped off the table for the next group of customers.

My manager seemed to eye me as well. “You sure got those customers wrapper around your pretty little finger, (Y/n).” He acknowledged, earning a hum as I stood up properly.

“I have that effect on people.” I was co*cky as I patted his shoulder and left him.

I returned to the bar, grabbing drinks and handing them to guests. I soon switched back to attending the bar, making drinks quickly and listening to the customers stories, occasionally being scandalous for an extra tip.

Always worked.

As I mixed drinks behind the bar, my attention was divided between the patrons and the conversation between Stolas and Blitz. Their bickering was hard to ignore, and I found myself eavesdropping despite my best efforts to stay focused on my work.

“You really have to stop following her around like a lost puppy,” Stolas remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he sipped his drink.

Blitz scoffed, leaning back on his barstool. “And you need to stop acting like a lovesick teenager. It’s embarrassing.”

“At least I have a sense of decorum,” Stolas shot back, his eyes narrowing. “Unlike you, who seems to think this club is your personal playground.”

Blitz rolled his eyes, his co*cky demeanor unfazed. “Oh, please. Like you’re any better, showing up here to ogle her while pretending to be all high and mighty.”

I couldn’t help but smirk as I listened to their banter, pouring another round of drinks for a group of rowdy patrons. The dynamic between the two demons was both amusing and oddly endearing.

”She sure is sexy, huh?” Blitz spoke, making me tense slightly as I poured a drink for the person next to him. From the corner of my eye, I could see Stolas look at me, a new expression on his face. I instinctively looked over, a soft smile on my lips as I worked. I looked away from his heated face.

“She’s a beauty to behold, Blitzo.” He warned, the statement shocking you. “What a kind soul.”

“For now. But that’ll change in time when we f*ck~!”

I walked back to the bar where Stolas and Blitz were seated, catching Stolas’s eye as I poured him another drink, this one on the house. He looked at me with a soft smile, gratitude evident in his expression.

Blitz, on the other hand, looked annoyed. “How come he gets a freebie?!”

I chuckled, shaking my head as I leaned on the counter. “Because he’s earned my respect, especially for dealing with you.”

Stolas laughed, raising his glass in a toast to my statement. “Cheers to that!”

Blitz pouted, playing with his glass in mock indignation. “You’re just playing favorites,” he muttered.

“Maybe I am,” I replied with a wink, making Stolas laugh even more. “Besides, I think he deserves a little reward for putting up with your antics.”

Stolas looked genuinely pleased, his sassy demeanor momentarily softened by my gesture. Blitz continued to pout, but I could see a hint of amusem*nt in his eyes as well.

The rest of the night continued in much the same fashion, the lively atmosphere of the club a stark contrast to the earlier tension. As I worked, I couldn’t help but feel two pairs of eyes on me. I glanced over, seeing Blitz and Stolas staring at me intently as they drank and talking amongst themself. When they realized they were caught, they looked away. I giggled to yourself as I continued on.

The night moved on, and it was soon time for my set on stage. I gave the two demons a playful wink as I left the bar, making my way through the throng of patrons. Climbing onto the stage, the lights dimmed and the music started, a sultry beat that seemed to pulse through my veins.

I moved with the rhythm, the crowd’s cheers and whistles spurring me on. My dress clung to my curves, accentuating every movement as I swayed and twirled. The lights cast a warm glow, illuminating the stage and casting seductive shadows. I noticed Stolas’s eyes fixed on me, a mix of fascination and admiration in his gaze.

As I danced, I made sure to give him a few suggestive looks, our eyes locking in a silent conversation. I arched my back, reaching out to the crowd, and moved my finger to his chin, gently lifting it. His breath hitched, his cheeks darkening with a blush. I continued to dance, feeling a powerful connection with him that seemed to electrify the air between us.

Blitz watched with a mixture of amusem*nt and annoyance, his glare hardening slightly as he realized Stolas was completely enraptured. But when he looked at you, his eyes seemed to soften, filling with lust. Millie and Moxxie, who had been keeping an eye on the crowd, exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

The set continued, my movements growing bolder and more confident as I fed off the energy of the crowd. Stolas’s reactions fueled my performance, his eyes never leaving me. When the music finally ended, I took a bow, the applause ringing in my ears like music.

I made my way back to the bar, my skin flushed from the exertion. Stolas handed me a drink he had ordered for me, his hand brushing against mine. “You were… incredible,” he murmured, his voice low and filled with awe.

I smiled, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. “Thanks, Princey. Glad you enjoyed the show.”

Blitz rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide a small smirk. “You’ve got the prince wrapped around your finger, haven’t you?”

I shrugged playfully, taking a sip of the drink. “Just doing my job, Blitz.”

The rest of the night passed in a blur, the club’s energy never waning. As I finally clocked out and prepared to head home, Stolas approached me once more. “May I walk you home?” he asked, his tone gentle and sincere.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Sure, I’d like that.”

“I’ll come too!!” Blitz invited himself, squeezing his way into my arms. I looked at him in confusion as he moved my hands to wrap around his arms, picking me up. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist.

“Blitz, what the hell!?”

“Shhh, just let it happen. You’ve had a long day on your feet. Take a break!” I groaned but he was right. My feet were killing me. I allowed him to carry me and the man called out to Millie and Moxxie.

We left the bar, Stolas watching me closely. I smiled at him, my chin placed comfortably on Blitz’s shoulder.

“You look so exhausted.” His voice was full of worry as he looked at me. Blitz simply hummed.

“The bitch never takes a break. Always gotta do something.” I looked at the two, soon noticing the tension. I didn’t understand why. As we all walked to your apartment, I began to notice Blitz’s hand placement. I felt my face heat as I noticed his hand on my ass, under my dress, his thumb rubbing the flesh in an almost comforting way.

“Blitz get your hand off my ass, you perv!!” This only caused him to laugh as he moved it away. “You’ve gotta be exhausted if you didn’t notice that til 20 minutes later!!” I groaned, hitting him quickly as I forced him to put me down. I continued our walk, Stolas walking between me and Blitz.

“You don’t have a car or anything, darling?” He asked, genuinely curious. I shook my head. “Can’t afford it. My boyfriend-“ I paused. “Ex-Boyfriend had a car that we used, but when we broke up he took it. Even though I bought it…”

As we walked under the dim streetlights, the energy from the club still buzzing in my veins, I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of comfort in the company of these demons. Despite the bizarre circ*mstances, their presence had become a bizarre new normal for me.

Blitz, still chuckling from my earlier reaction, seemed to revel in the chaos he caused. Millie and Moxxie walked slightly ahead, their hands intertwined as they chatted quietly. Stolas walked beside me, his tall frame casting a long shadow on the pavement.

Stolas looked at me with a mix of concern and curiosity. “It’s a shame about the car, darling. You deserve better.”

I shrugged, trying to brush it off. “It’s not a big deal. I manage.”

Blitz, ever the instigator, chimed in. “Manage? You’re a workaholic with no time to manage anything else. We should get you a demon chauffeur or something.” He gave a co*cky grin, clearly enjoying his own idea.

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t need a demon driving me around, causing more trouble.”

Stolas smiled softly at our banter. “It wouldn’t hurt to have some help. You’ve been working yourself too hard.”

I gave him a sideways glance, appreciating his concern but not wanting to dwell on it. “I’m fine, really. But thanks.”

As we approached my apartment building, the reality of my exhaustion began to hit me. The adrenaline from the night was wearing off, replaced by the ache in my feet and the longing for my bed.

We stopped at the entrance, and I turned to them with a tired but genuine smile. “Thanks for walking me home, even if it was a bit unconventional.”

Blitz gave a mock salute. “Anytime, babe. Now, let us in! It’s cold as f*ck!” I opened the door, Blitz zooming to the warmth of my apartment alongside the imp couple.

Stolas nodded, his eyes lingering on me with that same concern. “Rest well, (Y/n). And remember, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to use the bracelet.”

I touched the bracelet lightly, its cool metal a reminder of the strange new world I’d been pulled into. “I will. Goodnight, Stolas.”

As I watched Stolas disappear into the night, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of gratitude and confusion. My life had taken a turn I never could have predicted, but somehow, amidst the chaos, I felt a strange sense of belonging. With a sigh, I turned and headed inside with the others, ready to finally get some much-needed rest.

Until I saw the state of my apartment. Pancake mix was everywhere, something I hadn’t noticed this morning. I glared at Blitz as he got comfortable on the couch, annoying Moxxie. He looked back at me with a cheeky grin, clearly unfazed by the mess.

“Really, Blitz? You couldn’t clean up after yourself?” I asked, exasperation evident in my voice.

He shrugged nonchalantly. “I was busy making breakfast, then got distracted by your pretty face.”

Moxxie sighed, clearly fed up. “Blitz, you’re insufferable.”

Ignoring the bickering, I grabbed a cloth and started cleaning the kitchen. The tiredness slowed me down slightly, but I was determined to get it done. Millie seemed to notice my struggle and joined me in the room. She began to clean the dishes, her movements swift and efficient, and soon after, she started organizing my fridge and pantry as they had been before.

“Thanks, Millie,” I said, grateful for her help.

She smiled warmly. “No problem, sweetie. You’ve had a long day, and it’s the least I can do.”

As we worked together in companionable silence, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Despite the mess, despite the exhaustion, having these demons around was starting to feel... oddly comforting. Millie’s presence was especially soothing, and her kind, supportive nature was a stark contrast to Blitz’s chaotic energy.

Moxxie joined us after a while, bringing a trash bag and helping to clean up the pancake mix that had somehow made its way onto the walls and floor. Blitz, meanwhile, continued to lounge on the couch, occasionally offering unhelpful commentary and earning glares from both Moxxie and me.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the kitchen was clean, and everything was back in its place. I leaned against the counter, exhaustion catching up with me.

“You really should take better care of yourself,” Millie said gently, handing me a glass of water. “You can’t keep running yourself ragged like this.”

I nodded, taking a sip of the water. “I know. It’s just... hard to slow down sometimes.”

Moxxie nodded in agreement. “You’ve got us now. We’ll help out however we can.”

Blitz finally got up from the couch, stretching lazily. “Yeah, yeah, we’ll keep an eye on you. Just don’t expect me to do any cleaning.”

I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks, guys. I appreciate it.”

As we all settled in for the night, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for this unexpected support system. My life had certainly taken a turn for the bizarre, but maybe, just maybe, it was exactly what I needed.

I took a shower and decided to simply fall asleep in a tank top and underwear. As the warm water cascaded over me, I let the tension of the day wash away, feeling my muscles finally start to relax. After drying off, I slipped into bed, my eyes heavy with exhaustion. I closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep, but my peace was short-lived.

An annoying imp jumped into my bed, startling me. I groaned, opening my eyes to see Blitz getting cozy and taking off his shirt. I looked at him in confusion as he relaxed his body, seemingly unbothered by my presence.

“What are you doing?” I asked, my voice a mix of annoyance and bewilderment.

Blitz grinned at me. “Getting comfortable, duh. This bed is way better than the couch.”

Before I could protest, he suddenly pulled me into his arms, holding me close and keeping me warm. I tensed, not knowing how to respond. His embrace was surprisingly gentle, and despite my initial discomfort, I found myself relaxing against him. His body heat was comforting, and the steady rise and fall of his chest had a soothing effect.

“Blitz, this is... unexpected,” I murmured, my voice softening.

He chuckled, his breath tickling my ear. “Yeah, well, you looked like you could use a cuddle buddy. Plus, I don’t want you running off in the middle of the night or something.”

I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t help a small smile. “You’re insufferable...”

“Damn right,” he replied, his voice full of mischief. “Now, get some sleep. You’ve had a long day.”

I sighed, giving in to the situation. I placed my head onto his chest, nuzzling close to his neck as I wrapped my arms around him, our legs intertwining.

As strange as it was, there was something oddly reassuring about having Blitz there. His presence, chaotic as it was, provided a sense of security I hadn’t felt in a long time.

“Goodnight, Blitz,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Goodnight, (Y/n),” he replied, his tone unusually gentle.

I closed my eyes, letting the warmth of his embrace and the sound of his purring lull me into a deep, restful sleep. For the first time in what felt like forever, I felt truly safe.

Whispers of the Night - Chapter 4 - viidvsii (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.