The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2025)

D28 THE BOSTON GLOBE Friday, March 12, 1999 MAJ'M'W la.ii3ii, iiliiiiiliin 1 1 il WALTHAM'S BEST AMERICANA VST. rf TSrSM 1 1 I WESTON WALTHAM'S MAGNIFICENT 1 Community. on the Mountain. lag -pwif 1 if VJ i X1 r-" 1 New Rental Vx mm Xvm din jo Melrose, 1 BR, CA, eiev Nr Pubic tran, 15 min. Bost, Camb.

Lynn. 5 min to Rts. 93. 781-662-9417 WATERTOWN. Visit once, you ii stay toreveri iviany units avl $1250-1900 Other towns.

R.E. 617-969-0676 WATERTOWN, Camb. line. Lg br, mod eik, od, wa, hw firs, ht pkg incl $1 200 R.E. 734-9230; 243-0770 WATERTOWN, Nr.

Sq. nice 2tH, iwbA moa eiK, dwshr, wd hkup, yard, gar. $1250. 617-924-1507. WATERTOWN.

deleaded. 3 an uuu. on renov $1200. RE 923-1776. WATERTOWN.

Quiet charm 2 BH, tp, trig, aw, gar $1500 unhid 924-6098 WATERTOWN, 2 br, fancy 2 ram, oisn, wa, porcn, gar, fee. 254-4186. WATERTOWN, Victory field, updated 2BR pkg hwr, new $1300 RE 617-969-2100 WATERTOWN, Grt select. BR. $1 NATO LI RE 617-484-3600.

WELLESLEY, oozy studio queen sz ion, ig cioset, nat setting. Gays ok. 41 $700 Heidi. 781-237-4794 WEST ROXBURY, on 'T- 5539 Sunny Modern spa-Una cious Studio BR Apartments beautiful garden views. Apts include AC, WW carpet, plenty of closetsl Assigned Pkg on site.

Rentals priced from $745 No Fee Please No Pets (617) 469-3505 WEST ROXBURY, Spacious on, rm, w-w, eai-m $1200; 2BR. 5 rm, new, renovated $1275. RE (617) 524-5060 WEST ROXBURY, Pkwy, Or, L.UIIUO, ip, WO, bale, skylt, stor, pkg $1350 Avl 41. 506-528-2575 mar 1 State-of-the-art Fitness Facility Heated Outdoor Pool Entertainment Facility lighting in Kitchen Baths Welcome to the latest in elegance which can only be rented at Museum lowers. On the banks of the Charles, across from the Museum of Science.

Enjoy our full service, state-of-the-art- health club which includes an length lap pool; 24-hour concierge service, on site valet parking 'complimentary shuttte service- all within steps to the MBTA. Each apartment appointed with a washer and dryer, individually controlled heating and air-conditioning and 4 high speed fiber optic lines. Layouts include; 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom2bath and Penthouse Suites available. Available apartments though June '99. Short-term furnished opts, also available.

Convenience is find" it all at Museum Towers Designer Kitchens with Oak Cabinets Oversized Ganten Tubs Cultured Mirrored Backsptashes Marble Uinities Gated Community with Video Monitoring Executive Business Center with Dryers in Every Home Computers, Copier Fax Rents from $1550 to $2800 tS (zpe at Bem Conveniently located 15 minutes from downtown; off Route 117 in Waltbam; less than 1 mile West, off Route 128 781-209-2001 STAFF ASSISTANT, ADMISSIONS OFFICERIAHANA (AFRICAN AMERICAN, HISPANIC, ASIAN AND NATIVE AMERICAN) OUTREACH COUNSELOR (Full-Time, With Benefits; Start Date: Open); The Office of Admissions at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts is accepting applications for the position of Staff Assistant, Admissions OfficerAHANA Out-' reach Counselor. The successful candidate will assist the Dean of Enrollment Management in the planning, organization and administration of the Admis-J sions Program at the College. Recruitmeht efforts assigned to ihis position will focus on, yet are not limited to, the goal of increasing the number of qualified students from underre presented groups, including travel in and out of state to represent MCLA, interview admissions candidates, evaluate academic credentials of applicants and recommend decisions, as wetl as plan and implement a recruitment plan to increase the number of qualified students of color to the College. Bachelor's degree required, as well as strong interpersonal and communication skills; ability to articulate the goals of the College accurately to diverse populations of students; willingness to travel during recruitment seasons; knowledge of higher education practices and understanding of the mission and strengths of a liberal arts college. Prior experience in admissions, sales or outreach counseling preferred.

To apply, send letter of application and resume to: Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Human Resources, 375 Church Street, North Adams, MA 01247-4100. In an effort to improve the ethnic diversity, the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts encourages minorities and others to apply. MCLA is an EEOAA employer. Applications will be accepted untit position is filled. WEYMOUTH, Spac.

studio. 1 2 BR apts. Grt. loc. off Rte.

3 for commuting and Braintree MBTA station. Nicely landscaped setting. Attrac. decorated clubhsS. New exercisefitness facility, tennis courts, hthw included, much more.

Model apts. open Mo-Sa 10-4, Su 12-5. No pets please. WEYMOUTH COMMONS 781-335-4773 Rte. 3, Exit 16B, go left it ist.

ngnts, 500 yards ti Corcoran Management www, WEYMOUTH, Modem. sr i oous, luxury 2, 3 Bfti i apts. avatiaoie beauty iiandscaoed courrtrv Pool, fitness canter lots more! vary eonvonma location. No pets: please. I QUEEN GATE 78M3HB36 Anrnw rjwnfvan Jenmson Community' WEYMOUTH.

renovated, mod 2br $975htd best loc a beautyl (617) 645-9111' WINTHROP, 2BR, 4-5rms I-priv deck, on Water Tower Hill, ort views. Dka. 850 nu, avi oi r-e 1-3239. WINTHROP, Governors P. garden lev 2BR, mod ww, dd, Indry, $850 htd.

Low fee. R.E. 734-4200 I WINTHROP. large ocean-front 2BR apt, on bus, $950 htd. 846-321 1 WINTHROP, 2 BR, ocean vw.

all utils. inc. $1000; 2BR, $750. R.E. 395-1618 WOSURN.

3 BR art on 30 acre wood, arte. Crti loca. at fit a 93. ind htmw. 1 Br from 1075mo.

No Pels. AaJi about our 3BR peclais at incentives. 78i-sta2'0fjS; rent.netdireofe fletmbaJtcourt WOBURN. Stoneham WkUd 1 BR htd complx $845 up 2 BR htd complx $1 1 95 THOMPSON RE 395-1616 WOBURN, 2BR. 1 ba.

Duplx. cellar, yd, pkg, qwt- ui bl, nu r-eisuuiiuB-roi 1 978-456-8858 WOBURN. Nr 12893. 1 8iE BR'S No tee pets. Call (781) 933-1414. -a LEAD TEACHER Cheery, bright center seek fig CTFC qualified Lead Teacher to close evenings every weekeneii Great loca Hon. Benefits. Call Us. (617) S61-3100, Bam-4. 5 LEAD TEACHER Day care seeks O.F.C; Qual.

id. teacher to open ct Great location IMendfy peopis, benefits CaU Usa at 617-561 -3100 SEEKING (2) SPED Teachers or 'Early Ed Teachers qualified in pre-K to work in 5Vfe yr. old child home program doing Discrete Trial Teaching. Program runs in aftemooh. Paid training, prefer person wown transp.

Sat: $18hr. Loc. In Newton ap-prox. 1 mile from intersec of Rte. 95 Mass Pike.

Please call Larry of Janice at 617-969-5398 DRIVING RANGE MANAGER Enthusiastic professional manager tor busy golf driving range mini golf facility. Salary commensurate wexperience. Sendfax resume: Rangeway Golf, 55 Burlington, MA 01803, 781-272-2B99: fax 781-273-2075 CAD DRAFTSMAN FT for high end woodworking shop. Call: 978-263-3771 3 PHOTOGRAPHER JewelryCatalogue, 4x5 format. Studio loca tion snoot, experience creativity A.

Fxr- benefl Fax 800-85! in imports BimwRittl DetaKed good cus tomer service skills roo. oan Airport loc, VuBn 0r-fio. Attn. Tom 617-567-42QS! fax resume 6l 7-56-12-2. RANDOLPH Presidential Acres LUXURY 2 BH APTS.

Priv. tic, IV, battu 2 pooh, 2 tennis courts Sorry, No petit $9S0mo. incl. MA h.w. Stop by our reniaf office Saturday or Sunday 1-5 or caft for appt 781-963-1776 963-4323 NORWOOD, 2 BR.

1 ba, full i-ivrm, ww, non smoK. 2nd fir. hkup. wlk to T. off st.

pkg. minimal storage, $800 no. util. Aft 6 pin, IV msg, B1-76Z-5B51 NORWOOD, No fee. 1-3 BR in, uu-i4uu nto, lory, gym.

Cat OK. RE 923-1776 QUINCY Braintree tine nr oranu newi tiegarn ipversized 1 2 BRTaptj homes with cath, ceils. scozy fireplaces' Indoor swimming pool hot tub. ittness center, great res. dent WHvirAc access, convenient to puouc transportation; walking biking trails just Shopping golf just min "tea to Boston.

Vou'tl tav "t9X' normr at Rose ROSECLIFF (61M2-S323 Another Corcoran Jenmson Community QUINCY, Walk to Station, stores restaurants. Maior roads beaches nearby. Spacious Studio, 1 2 BR clustered in quiet setting. Nicely landscaped grounds, pool, community exercise facility. Open 10-6, Sun.

12-5. No pets please. QUINCY COMMONS 61 7-328-6727 From 561 Quincy Shore Dr take Hollis to 1 Canton Rd. Corcoran Management Co QUINCY, Milton In, nr shop, un i inci. ntnw, ckg gas, ww, bale.

Lg. Stu $595up; lg. mod. 1 BR, $650 up; Mod. 2 BR $800 up.

No pels. Short term avail. No tee. 617484-2934 QUINCY, Squantum 2BR, 2 BA in beaut, waterfront home, magnif. views of Boston, hdwd firs, htyhw Incl, Avl.

41, $1150 mo. Mike 61 7-689-8822. QUINCY, Capts Cove Mari na, Dam, aw, disp. microwave, wd hookups, no fee, no pets. $1300.

(617) 479-5633. QUINCY, No. Nr. In hse. Oman on.

mod. em, ww. deck, Idry $825 unhtd. Avl. 51.

Low tee. RE 734-4200. QUINCY, Ctr, lg 2 BR, ww, bale, storerm, $1100; lg 2 BR, 2 full ba. $1400. nr all.

61 7-479-6969770-2287 QUINCY, 2 BR, ww, ac. pkg, no petssmkg. $895 IncT ht gas, 41 696-3714 QUINCY, Sunny 2 BR, 2 bth, pool, no pets smkg $f075 617-773-2823 RANDOLPH, 1 BRs $869; 2 BRs $989. Call for our Feb March specials on selected apts. PETS WELCOME.

Pool tennis court. Flex, lease terms. Visit for details MILL VILLAGE 781-963-9227 Another Quality Equity Residential Property RANDOLPH, Highland House Apts. Large 1 -Bedroom Apts Limited availability. Get the most value for your dollars with Free Heat and Hot Water, fitness center with sauna, off-street parking, tennis court and pool.

ATI for only $825. Call 781-961-4047 todayMI TDD 1-800-545-1833 ext. 131. READING. Rentals, new renov.

1 2 BR from Feeno pets. LARKIN LARKIN R.E. (781) 942-2060 REVERE. Oceanfront lux. bldgs, 1 BRs start (a $1100; 2 BRs from $1209.

Incl hthw, ac. appln kit, ww, pool, exerc. rm, sauna, tennis. Next to mins to BostonLogan. 781-286-0606 M-F SatSun 9-5.

No pets. Equal Housing Oppty ROSLINDALE, 8 rm. 5 BR Col. frpl, 1 Vfe ba, vinyl siding, 12,421 f. of land.

4 prkg. $159,900. Max at REMAX Landmark 781-341-6100 X214, 771-0741 ROSLINDALE, JP li. sunny 2 BR, Idry, hdwd. pchs.

$900; Beaut. 3 BR. 2fls, Idry hu, spacious $1200 R.E. 617-524-APTS ROSLINDALE, renov 2BR Condo, lower lev, ww. new applic, pkg, laund, all utils, $1100 1st, last, fee Avail 41 781-769-6887 ROSLINDALE.

2BR, 5rm. renovated 1300; 3BR. 6rm, eik, $1200 R.E. 524-5060 ROSLINDALE, 2 BR. hw firs, nr T.

Quiet st, $950. RE (617) 244-2755. ROSLINDALE, Charm 5 rm, i Qro tfnrrn Freedom RE 781-961-8500 SALEM, Princeton Cross-BaBaa ing. Great apts with LiUU heat and hot water in-cluded, fitness center, pool more. Public transportation to Boston.

1 BRs from $840 (9B) 740-1 OU CORPORATE FURNISHED SUITES ALSO AVAILABLE A Princeton Properties Community Visit us at SALEM, So. 3 BR. EIK, hwd firs, LR, DR, hkups, prkg, 2 fam. priv. yd.

$995 utils. Owner broker. 781-631-9460 SALEM, renov 2 BR, hookup, pkq, $800 utils, eves 781-631-0243, days 617-210-9197. SALEM, new, central city, 2 BR Tnhse, wlk to sta, wd, $1500 41; Stu $775 Inc hthw 315, 978-744-7602. SEABROOK.

NH. DELUXg Suites, loc- only 45 mins. north of Boston. Has 1SR suites avail, now thru May. $27Swk.

tax; Free continental breakfast lid. housekpg. serwee. PIS. caB (603) 474-8525 SHREWSBURY, 1 BR, $650 1st last, pkg, pool.

Avail. Immed. (781) 337-5896. SOMERVILLE, 1 BR $800 2 BR $975 3 BR $1300 4 BR $1500 up Voted 1 Rental Office CONNORS ASSOC 617-628-8110 SOMERVILLE, Studio $700 1 BR mod, hdwd bus $750 1 BR ht, hw, pkg $775 2 BR Porter, gas, sun $1000 3 BR Mod hwfl, gas. $1200 4 BR hwfl, gas, mod.

$1600 5 BR hwfl gas. mod Elm R.E. at PorterDavis 179 Elm St 617-628-0000 SOMERVILLE. 1br htd $800 1 BR Porter hw fir, htd $950 2 BR Davis 3 fam $1200 3 BR W. Somerv $1400 4 BR Davis 2 fam $2000 RED LINE REAL ESTATE 617-776-7000 SOMERVILLE.

1 BR $800 up 2 BR $1000 up 3 BR $1200 up 4 BR $1400 up VERI REALTY 617-628-2700 SOMERVILLE. PortrDavis Furn'd Studios mint $800 2BR bike path. 51 $1 100 2BR 2ba htd 61 $1350 3 BR mod ug pkg NCamb 2Br ultra nu $1850 5Br 3ba mod bike Marino Group61 7-699-6098 SOMERVILLE. studio $650 1 BR 2BR, Davis $1 100 3BR, Red $1500 4BR, Red New Luxury 1,2, 3 Bfl Apts. Convenient 128, private entrance to each apt.

Some units wfrDl. loft, bsmts 2 car garage. From $1 195. SOMERVILLE, Stu $550 1 fcJH, S700 1 BR, utils $775 2 BR, Davis $950 3 BRs, Davis $1100 4 BRs, $1600. R0SSR.E SOMERVILLE, Davis Sql oieps to 1 1 nenov.

stuaio 1 BR, hw fls, dd, Big modem 2 BR garage ac $1300; Winter Rill renov. 3 BR, $1400 MAVEN R.E. 617-868-0100 SOMERVILLE. 1 BR. Winter Hill $buu; 1 HH, porter sq $1050; 2 BR Ball Sq.

$1200; 2 BR Porter Sq. $1200 Others Available RE 623-6631 SOMERVILLE, 6 2 mod. sunny, many windows, corner lot, Tufts area. $1200 Incl. elec.

781-396-6965. SOMERVILLE. Davis So. I Avail now, Iq 1 Br waccess to fin. bsmt.

fclK, hw fls, dw, wd hkup, elec incl; offst pkg $1025 No fee 864-2407 SOMERVILLE, Ball Sq. warn to I cozy i DM, nw deck, no no pets. $950. 617-623-5949. SOMERVILLE, 2 BR, nkup, ww, yd, drvwy.

No pets, no utils $1200. (617) 576-6505 SOMERVILLE, modem tn steps to sun sq. EIK, $1000 incl all utilities CPI RE, (617) 742-4454 SOMERVILLE, 5 rm 3rd fir, or, very go cona, winter Hill. Dep. refs req.

$950 unht (oilht) 781-322-9788 SOMERVILLE, Winter Hill, Near Tufts, nice 4 BR, LR. E.I. Kit $1680mo. No fee. (617) 776-8868.

SOMERVILLE. Nr Porter Sq. Lge. 1 Sublet now. take on new lease 91.

(617) 776-5436 SOMERVILLE, Davis Studio 2b: i tiM. nawd $1000 CRONIN R.E. 547-3939 SOMERVILLE. 3BR. $1400; Ln, xitcn, mage, gas neai.

781-729-5990. SOMERVILLE, Best loc nice mod 2br eik. off pkg, $1 1 50 No pets. 617-489-9701. SOMERVILLE, 1BR $725-775 htd.

EIK, fridge, wd, hwf, no pets. RE 576-1115 SOMERVILLE, nr 1-93, 2nd nr. tarn, ig orm, 3Dr, hdwd fir, RE 61 7-482-3969 SOMERVILLE, nr Davis-Tufts 6rm 3br, Indry, $1700 41 no fee. 61 7-666-4939 SOUTH BOSTON 1 BD wgreat space location! e.side close to beach $650 SO. BOSTON 2BD one block from beach wsun, Indry.

a great deal $975. SO BOSTON 2BD Charming space on beautful St. hrdwd firs, sun, deck, mod kitchen $1200. SO BOSTON 3BD totol rehab windry, Irg deck, hrdwd firs, dd $1 500. PRUDENTIAL GIBSON RE 375-6900 SOUTH BOSTON.

3.5BR New! itH Prime htd 2BR Lg, ca, Visit our website for other listings ROONEY REAL ESTATE (617) 268-6000 SOUTH BOSTON, East side, 3BR, hwf, high ceils, 1300; Also similar 2Vfe br, 1 100; Bob 617-268-2875 SOUTH BOSTON, newly renov, spac, 3BR, on East siae, nwtirs. dus route, $1500 508-881-6658 SOUTH BOSTON. Eastside Ig 1 BR wstudy, 2 blks trm bch, hdwdcer nr. dw, $1075 util. 508-533-9252 SOUTH BOSTON, New E.

side 2 BR, all new renov, HWF, fully applc kit. NO FEES! $1250; 464-1488. SOUTH BOSTON. Eastside ion, recent gas ni, dw, 1st fir, $775, 698-9765 STONEHAM, DUPLEX, 5rm 2 BR. eik.

BA. Iro oriv. yd, bsmt. strg, nr Rt 93128, 2 pkg. no pets.

$1100. (781)g2-4488 STOUGHTON, BR lux. apts. fully carpeted, community fitness swimming pool, ht. h.w.

incl. in rent.No pets allowed. Equal. Housing Opportunity. Pis.

call 781-344-0330. SWAMPSCOTT. 2 BR, 1 100 st, pkg, Idry, transp, bch $1000:51, (781) 477-7981 WAKEFIELD. Lux. apts.

Htd. oool. exercise, sauna. tennis, gym. 1BRs start $961; 2BRs start $1065 wht.

hw ac M-F EHOEHC (781) 245-Q414 WAKEFIELD, 1 BR, Indry. pkg. $775 incl hthw. Non-smk, no pets. 978 475-3206 WALTHAM, Best in town 1 BR ww, pkg $750 2BR hwd pkg 3BR2BA 4BR eik pkg WAL-LEX RE 781-894-4321 UAI TUAU DO an CIIS LR.

DR, off st pkng. Frestv ly painted. Plenty of stor- $1350. Call 617-71 0-5664 WALTHAM, Avail. 6199 1 BR eik frig pkg $700 3BR1VSBAfrig1425 4BR eik frig Dkg $1450 WAL-LEX RE 781 -894-4321 WALTHAM, Robbins St.

1 BR in hse. mod ww. pkg, $740 htd. 415. Low Tee. 61 f-734-4ZUQ WALTHAM, Visit once, you'll stay forever! Many units avl. Oth-er towns RE 61 7-969-0676 WALTHAM. Newt In. classic 3 BR, hw.

nat wdwk, fpl. hkup, new gas ht. $1300 Exclusive 61 7-928-9200 WALTHAM. Belmont II, Unique 1 BR studio, pkg, no smkg, no pets $750. 781-642-0366.

WALTHAM, Windsor Vill, Ig lb, ac, pkg, incl Free Bus. nr 128 2. cat $950, 41, 781-647 -4991, WALTHAM, 2 BR, LR, DR, delead, prkg, new carpet paint $1200; 617-923-8203 WALTHAM, No fee. 1-3 BR THs, Idry. htd.

Cats OK. RE 923-1776 WALTHAM, Sunny, 2 BR, deck, 2 pkng, $1 100 htd. RE (617) 969-0842. WALTHAM, Sunny 1 BR nWIIS, UIKU 9f3U. OIUUIU $675.

RE 617-969-0842 WALTHAM, turn rm $550: 2br 3BR $1250 4br $1500 RE 617-969-2100 WALTHAM, Nice 2 BR in house, hdwd fls. Must see. $1200. R.E. 558-5505 WALTHAM, Lexington St.

2BR1 VfeBA, mod, ac, pkg. pool, $1395. RE 243-0770 WATERTOWN, Nr Sq. 2nd fir Id 1BR, ww, nat wdwk, pkg. Quiet loc.

$825 WATERTOWN, Vict Fid. classic 2BR, nat wdwk, hw. fp, 2 pkg. 51. $1250 WATERTOWN, Camb ultra mod 2bH4rm, nw, 2pkg, coin op, 2 avl.

41. $1350 EXCLUSIVE (6171 928-9200 WATERTOWN Vicinity 3rms. 1 VfeBR $915 5rms. 2BR $1,100 5rms, 2BR $1,200 6rms. 3BR $1,300 5rms, 3BR $1 ,500 VOTED WATERTOWN 1 APT RENTAL OFFICE CENTURY 21 WEST REALTY 617-926-5280 WATERTOWN, CambBelm line, brand new renov 2br, new wd, newly refin.

hwf, 2c-pkg. $1400 CHARLES ASSOC. 617-492-6368 WATERTOWN. 2 br. LR DR, porch, hkup, fp, 1st.

fl. Nr. 10 mins. to Harvard. Nice area.

$1450. no tee. tn f-w-45tx 1 i-T" MALDEN, Everett, Revere, Medford, Melrose Stu. near 1 Bedrooms 2 Bedrooms $650 and up 3 Bedrooms $1200 and up Many, many more avail. 'Experience the Difference' Bay State 781 321-1695.

MALDEN, Everett. 1 BR lux. hi-rise $970; 2 BR brk bldg, $900; 2 BR, Walk to $975 ht: 2 BR ultra mod $1100. Thompson R.E. 395-1616.

MALDEN, 2 BR, 1 BA, fnw, wd, bsmt as office. By owner. $950. 781-322-9043. MALDEN, Lg.

3 rm, compl remod 1st ff, off st prk. No pets. Granada Highland area $700 78 1-279-1 402 MALDEN. 1-2-3 BR nr T. avail now.

1300. GM RE 781-321-6606. MALDEN, lux 1 BR on MBTA, htpkg, ww, aC $750. 781-397-9097 MARBLEHEAD. Rentals 2BR TH, fpl $1225 3BR TH, fpl $1395 Sorry, no pets.

Call 781-631-3070 MARLBORO, Attractive apis, landscaped grounds, the best ity value just 12 nines iiuiii 10 UM rut. u. Easy commute to Boston by train 1 BR from $825 2 BR from $975 CORPORATE FURNISHED SUITES ALSO AVAILABLE PRINCETON GREEN 508-481-4745 ARBOR COURT 508-485-6865 Visit us at MARLBORO, beaut. 1 BR in Vict. Lots of amens.

IG Sool, hkups. Rt 20495. 800 (508) 881-6740 MATTAPAN, Milton Line, ess Best Value! Fairlawn rillhi Cameo Estates. Garden Apts from $650 inclds. heat.

617-298-6699 MATTAPAN. 3 BR. 1M ba. Vfe Dplx, quiet dead end str, off sir prkg, nr T. $1200.

617-430-0379 MEDFORD, unique private grdn Condo, 2 BRs, 2 BA, stepdown LR wfp sliding patio drs to priv fenc-in 1200 sf grdn area, riverside stg wsw exp, $1500 mo, min 1yr lease, Charles 61 7-864-0250, 8am-8pm MEDFORD. 1st fl. avail. 41. Lg.

2 BR, mod hw walk to 2 bus lines, train su-permkt, nr Tufts College, quiet side St, $1075mo utils. Showing Sunday 11-1 Call 207-443-4595 MEDFORD, 5BR 3 ba. mod. Nr Davis Tufts. 61 $2200 3BR 1V6 ba.

Plush home. Conv loc. Granite counter-tops mod feat. 61 $2400 Marino Group61 7-699-6098 MEDFORD, Lux 2 BR, 2 bath Condo, ww, 24 hr sec, indoor pool $1300. Prudential Pnme Properties WolfsonCutler 781-391-1688 MEDFORD, 1Br $900 up, 2 BRs $1000 up, 3 BRs $1200 up.

VERI REALTY 617-628-2700 MEDFORD. 3BR Duplex, 3rd fir, 1.5 baths, $1400. 2 BR 2 family, mod kit bath, yard $1025 Thompson RE 395-1616 MEDFORD, 2 BRs, remod. kit bth. hw firs, Indry in no pets.

$1,000 utils. 617-484-4409. MEDFORD. Charm 2 BR Dplx, hw, nice hkups, 2pkg, cat ok. $1200 Exclusive 617-928-9200 MEDFORD, 2 BDRM Wellington Circle $950 BOWES RE 781-648-4500 MEDFORD, Sm 1br, hthw incl.

No pets. $675 sec dep. Call 781-395-0202 MEDFORD, areas. 1BR $725 Others avail. SM (781) 395-6465 MEDFORD, Maiden, 1BR $750, hthw, trans, 1st ist, refs req 781-393-0107 MEDFORDSomer.

nr Tufts. 4 rms, pkg! $1100 wht hw. No pels 781-643-8946 MELROSE, Extra clean quiet 2 rms. $650, 3 Incs all utils. No petssmoke.

781-662-5685 MILTON, 2br, full ba, lots of storage, covered pkg, very safe. $1000 561 -988-0975 NATICK, Lux 1br amenities, wlk to $875. NATICK, 2br, mod, pkng, wlk to $900. NATICK, duplex, 3br 1 'Aba, hkups, wlk to $1300 Advantage Properties 508-653-3323 NATICK, Deerfield Forest. Lg sun 1 BR, cath ceils, wd, dw, pvt vu of wds, bale.

41 $950. (508) 655-3065 NATICK, Deerfield Forest. 1 bdrm. $950, 1st fir. (781) 235-2787; ask for Pino.

NEEDHAM, 3 BR, 1V4 bth Duplex on cul-de-sac, wd, hook-up. nr train. $1400. QUEST R.E. 781-444-8594 NEEDHAM, 4 BR apt, LR, EIK, 1V4ba.

prkg, $1600 util avl now 781-444-8452 NEEDHAM 2 BR. hw firs, frpl, officeprch, gar. nr T. $1300. RE 617-24-2755 NEWBURYPORT, Immac.

1 BR, hthw, nr. transp. No pels. $700. 978-834-0603 Resident Recessed NORFOLK COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE Immediate openings in the Education department Pad Time Title I Instructor Applicants must possess a teacher's certification In reading, math, English specialelementary education.

Hours are Mon-Thur, 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M; Sat, 7:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Salary is $18 00 hour. Experience In a correctional setting is preferred.

Curriculum Specialist Consultant position responsible for evaluating currertf Adult Basic Education practices and devising' language arts curriculum tailored to the unique needs of incarcerated edult students. Hours and Salary are negotiable. Corrections experience needed. Masters Degree preferred. w.r Send resume by March 15, 1999 to: Mary Ellen MastrorilH Asst.

Deputy Superintendent P.O. Box 149 Dedham, MA 02027 Fax 781-461 1728 Visit our web site at Apartment llYty Spacious land 2 -bedroom suites Heat that water included Outdoor swimming pool Inviting clubhouse Modem fitness center jt Beautifully landscaped grounds Complimentary continental breakfasts Convenient location No pets please. Open Daly: pm, Sun. I2-Spm (617) 472-6766 1001 Southern Artery Quincy, MA Corcoran Management Co. CAMBRIDGE, Nr HVDMIT Reno 16R study $950; Lux 2Br.

2Ba, yd, $1550; 3BR, brand new kit $1500 DAVIS Steps to Tl Renov. Stu 1BR, dd, hw fl, big mod 2 BR central ac, gar. $1300. HARVARD SQ, Renov. 1 BR in Vict, wpkg $1200 htd; sunnv newly renovat- ed 4BR 2 Baths, $2500 htd C-PORT, New Condo qual.

-'2 BR study, ultra Kit $1450. 100 MORE AVAILABLE! Quality Furnished Apartments! 2 TO THE HOMELESS Open 7 Days: 868-0100 CAMBRIDGE, Fine Apts HARVARD SQ. Studio, ht. -Included FABULOUS Modern 1BR, AC, ht. prkg incl.

$850. CLASSIC Harv. Sq. 1BR, rMwd, Frpl, htd. $1200 SUPERBLY Renovated Lge.

1 BR. with deck $975 GORGEOUS Luxurv 2BR. 2BA, pkg. $1850 HARVARD SO. 2BR.

Mod. kitchen, AC, htd. $1350 OUTSTANDING Mid Camb. 3BR duDlex. hdwd.

lge. deck, prkg. $2200 MAXWELL RE 843 Mass Av 617-441-3939 ISSMVf BRIDGE; Museum Tower. Vis us at tft Luxury Rental ori banks of the Charles feRtve Find washerdryer in fea 4 high-speed fiber fotic fines in a act, 24 hr Concierge, on-sfte vaiet pKCl. COmU.

KIltJi HWV BKANQ NEW Health oM Nvpook aH vwthtn steps to MBTA. Let us show I you how convenient your i can be whtta you hve in i- the the tap of luxury in this treat location; situated cross from the Museum i of Science. Available apts MUSEUM TOWERS LEASING CENTER Open 7 days a week CAMBRIDGE, Harv. Sq. Studio, trpl.

$975; Lg 1BR $1150: Renov. 2BR $1500; padchrfe 3BR Vict. $2200 Sq, Renov studio, -pkg $800; -Lg 4 hi ceiTs. $1150; Camb port 1 uh, nr unanes eou. 'UAa.

Crash PnnH 9 RR hdwd. deck $1250; Lake-view Renov. 2 BR, deck, $1650; 3BR bi level. deck, on uranie zuuu DAWSON CRONIN R.E. 148 Huron Ave.

Multilingual Brokers Free Parking 7-S47-3939547-4567 CAMBRIDGE. Harvard So I witnin an easy warn 10 me aouare ana E5rt Line. Studios 1 Bdrm aiuo-jito 2 Bdrm $1250-1635 All Rents Include Ht HW 34 Fee No Pets Please (617) 876-8600 r.Ai.iiDinnP An I nrfliinnfi Stu, Agassiz, all $900 1BR. oft Beacon St. 2BR, Harvard 3BR, Beacon special -i iiio 1 BR? Museum steps to i mw tinn 2BR, Winter HillSoni $1050 2BR.

Arlington, OXFORD ST. REALTY 617-354-3535 oxford CAMBRIDGE. 2 BR Centrallnman $1350 2 BR Harvard Sq. fJSOO 3 BR hwfl, dd, renov1700 2 BR Shepard St htd $2100 CALL TODAY 617-494-8866 THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN AND0VER IS OUT Mins from Rts 93495 Townhomes wfireplc 23 BR suites w2 bath WD, Microwaves Prvt BalconiesPatio Cath. Ceilgs.

wFans Pool, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Fitness Ctr. Tennis Central Heat AC Priv. Day Care on-site Your Cat is Welcome! I Starting at $1,420.00 Call for Winter Specials! (978) 683-9770 OPEN DAILY BROOKSIDE ESTATES 105 Brookside Drive Andover, MA 01810 Equal Housing Opportunity CHARLESTOWN, 1 BR or stua avail inci hthw in scenic Navy Yard. Apply to the Anchorage Apts, 103 9th St, Charles-town, MA 617-242-4515 CHARLESTOWN, Richly detailed. 1BR, 11 ft ceilings, fp, excellent kit, Irg closets, $1600.

(617) 527-3305. CHARLESTOWN, 2 1 hwfl, wd. prkg. Avl 41. $1,300 (NO FEE).

617-563-5312. CHELMSFORD, Lowell line ssssa Landscaped HIS grounds, tasteful apartments, abundant parking great rates! 2 Bdrms. from $320.00 (978) 256-5342 CORPORATE FURNISHED APTS. ALSO AVAILABLE A Princeton Properties Community CHELMSFORD, No. 1br $725, 2br, $825 utils.

Nr 3495. 41. 978-251-0763. CHELMSFORD, Lrg 1BR, Rt ddu no peis, no utils no fee 617-489-1818 CONCORD, Ctr, Spac 2BR, i oi a Kino, eiev Diag, No petssmkg, $2450 lease owner 978-369-1 828 CONCORD, TH 2BR.1 VfeBA new kit, fin bsmt, end unit, $1 450 lease no petssmk Owner 978-369-1828 CONCORD, Greene. De luxe 2 oh, ba, pool, $1695 incl ht 978 562-6109 DANVERS, Nr.

mall, totally renov. 1br 1st fir apt. No pets $795 781 -334-321 3 DEDHAM. Cln newly renov. 2br.

in 2 fam. wd, e-i-k, tile hdwd, pkg. No petsno smkg. $1200. 508-541-7066 DORCHESTER, 46 Alicia Rd.

next to Ashmont next to Carney Hospital. 3 BRs. lg LR, kit bath, rear porch. $850htd. Call (617) 288-2961 DORCHESTER, Codman Hill Av.

Fab 2BR. quiet 2 fam 1 Vfeba, wd, orig wdwk $1050, 617-288-5441 DORCHESTER, Off Pleasant. Quiet rehab 2 BR in 2 fam, mod detail, $1200. (617) 825-1323. DORCHESTER.

4BR hwflrs 2 porches quiet nr EAST BOSTON. 2 BR sun. ny EIK, walk to or Airport shuttle, ww, wd, off st prkg, $800 617-513-9495 EVERETT. Maiden. Revere Studios $525 up 1 Bedrms $650 up 2 Bedrms $750 up 3 Bedrms $900 up EVERETT- Maid Rev Lvnn 1 BR's $650 up 2BR'S $850 up 3BRs $1000 up EVERETT.

5 rm ant. 2nd fir. 2 br, very gd cond, Everett oq, wiDmo unni Kjasj aeprer req oi-z-tfoa EVERETT, 2 mod apts. 2 BR ea. Call CONNORS HfcALTY, 617-628-8110 FVFRFTT 1 1A Kr tTQfl inr-l 3br2ba all new Marino Group61 7-699-6098 FRAMING HAM, This Dremier residence of fers a wide variety of floor plans inclu.

oversized studio, 1 BR, 2 BR2 bath apts with X-lg closets. Beautiful mid-rise, elevator bldg. on Rt. 9 wprivate balcony reservoir views. Luxurious lobbies, state-ot-the-art tit- ness center, pool, elegant social room, f-nour maintenance.

Covered pkg avl. Open House Daily EDGE WATER TERRACE 508-872-8854 Managed By Capital Properties FRAMINGHAM, Most Drestiaious Rte 9 loc. Walk to the area's newest shoooina center fine din ing. A variety of floor plans ranging from studios to X-Ige 2 BR, 2 bath wprivate bale. reservoir view.

Quiet serene surroundings, eiev, bldg. w24-hour maintenance, pool, fitness facilities covered prkg avail. Free Heat HofWater OPEN HOUSE DAILY EDGEWATER VILLAGE 508-872-8851 Managed By Capital Properties FRAMINGHAM, At Lord Chesterfield we offer spacious and charming, 1 and 2 BR apartments. Pool, tennis, clubhouse more. Located next to shopping, 2 minutes to Mass Pike, 1 minute to Rte au.

sorry no aogs. ui-fice open Mon Frt 10-6; Sat Sun 10-5. (508) 872-6050 1 BR $740 2 BR $845 AT NORTH POINT You'll Love Ibis Place 1 Bedrooms from 542 2 Bedrooms from s604 Halt ond hot tote included AttrtKlrrt gporlments Hi Hiitorx Lowell AffoHobl wot vim CoovMnwil public tramportation to lostwi (978) 459-4433 River Place CAMBRIDGE, Somerville areas. Many apartment house rentals. Offices at 40 Brattle St.

1 730 Mass. Ave. 1 Rental Officel VISAMC accepted for fee. 617-876-RENT CAMBRIDGE, All Locations 2 BR, Winter HillSom. $950 2 BR, Arlington Ln.

2 BR, Harvard St $1 450 3 BR, Porter 4 BR, Davis SqSom. $2000 SDecial Of The Week 1 BR, Museum steps to Harvard, wd dw $1050 OXFORD ST. REALTY 617-354-3535 oxford CAMBRIDGE, River Court. Hare 3BH in ni-nse, doorman bldg wriver views-Great space and light, 24 concierge, hlth club, lap pool, roofdeck and 2 gar. pkg.

avail. June rrZKAN MARCH1EL RE 1 60 Commonwealth Ave. 61 7-424-9599 CAMBRIDGE, Studio, Sq. hw, htd. $825, 31.

2BR Avon Hill hwflrs, htd, $1400 now. 3BR Craigie Cir renov, hw, htd, $1750 31. E. 617 308-8212. CAMBRIDGE, HarvCentral.

1 BR $1100; 2 BR bsmnt. $1400; 3 BR $1500; Kendall Inman 1 BR $1000; 4 BR $1600 June 1-3 BR's. BASCH E. 491 -5400 CAMBRIDGE. Court Apts.

411 Franklin St. IBr wbalcy, fully applnd, ac, ww, prkg, Indry, utils. $924. Elders 55 non smkr. 617-497-6220.

CAMBRIDGE, 1 BR newlv dec. incl hthw. 1 cpkng. Cony. Ipc.

Walk to I. DUS III1H VI now. Agent, 781-646-1626. CAMBRIDGE, Mid, Sunny 2 BR Stu apts. Newly renov, hthw, hwfls, walk to red In, $950 $1450.

Tish Hanion Ht 2tf-uuub xn CAMBRIDGE, nr MIT, 6 rms, wooa nrs, nice snape. AvI now. $1350 unhtd Fee. Hancock. 492-7766.

CAMBRIDGE, Nr Porter, lg rnuu ort, ww, oca, I pttg 2 avl. Now61. $1350htcT Exclusive 617-928-9200 CAMBRIDGE. 1 BR Port $900' 2 BR East $1 1 50; 3 BR Davis $2200. Other avail.

Hfc 623-bb31 CAMBRIDGE, walk to Harvard Square charm 3bdr, 2ba, new kb slider to deck zuu Mt: bl f-4tf 1 -potato CAMBRIDGE, Harv. Sq. 3 BR in Brownstone. Hdwd Firs. Bale, only $1560.

METRO RE 232-2255 CAMBRIDGE, Esplanade. Spac. 2Br, 2Ba. 2 Pkg. Eik, wterrace.

Readv now. $3750mO 781-545-0619 CAMBRIDGE, CentSq, walk I ig zoh in aupi 31 $1400. Matt, 617-576-4667 CAMBRIDGE, 2 BR. walk to Harv sqi, pkg avl, $1250. BUR RE: 617-421-9111.

CAMBRIDGE, Port, Sun 2br opix, in nse. moo eiK, ya, prkg $1100 RE 734-9230 CAMBRIDGE. Harvard Sn Somerville sev'l 1 to 4 BRs 61 7-868-4662 C.A. RE CAMBRIDGE, MIT, Kendall, 1 BR. $975, 2BRs, $1200.

Ross E. (617) 666-8188 CAMBRIDGE. Walk to Harvard Sq. hthw incl, ac, pkng avail 1 BR all new .7 $1100 1 on irg all new $1200 2BR an new $1345 2BR All new $1195 KfcYSIUNE E. 6 1 7-489-9676 CAMBRIGE, 1BR apt wlrg study for rent in E.

Camb. $900; 1 BR apt In Central oq. i iuu nesource oapi-tal Group (617) 491-8315 CANTON. Snrinnrinln Man. or, Spac.

lux. 2 BR 2 BA apt. Fully appl kit. ww. central air, bale, exercize rm, swimming pool, tennis ct.

Mins to major highway MBTA, Sorry no pets. $1290 hthw Incl. Call for appl. 7B1-B21-ZB70. CANTON, Newer, spacious 3 BH dupix, walk to tram, EIK, $1300 utils, incl.

wtr. No pets. (508) 230-2637. rAUmM OVir In hm n. off st prkg, pet ok, $856 mo.

avi 1 roi rB-ari CHARLESTOWN, Navy Yd Wtrfrnt rentals avl now! 2 BR, 2 ba $1650 2 BR, 2 ba $1725 Incl hthwgasamens No feepet (617) 242-2452 NEWTON, W. Unique Vict. 1BR, new paint, hw, fp, 1 pkg, Indry. asap $1075htd. NEWTON, Green Ln 128 ultra mod 2BR, ww, Prkg morel $1275 htd NEWTON, Comm Av, mod 2BR, 1V4ba, ww, bale, pkg, 420.

$1450htd NEWTON, Ville, Ultra mod 3BR, 3 TH, ww, gar, deck. 51. $2300 EXCLUSIVE RE 617-928-9200 NEWTON, Lake vu, 2br, mint cond, nr VICT, detail! 2br, maple firs, mint space $1400 DELEAD, 3br1V4ba $1600 GREAT TH 2200 IVIkU tlhll I VU 7T I OFFICE '96, '97, '98 PRESERVATION PROPERTIES 527-3700 NEWTON, Specializing In 1-4 BR ants A hnunaR WatertownBrklneWaltham other towns, open daily! 1 BR livrm, ww. htd 2BR, LR, hdwd $1100 2BR, LR, DR, hdwd. House, LR DR 1 Vi THE PRUDENTIAL EONA KRANZ RLTY 964-9097 NEWTON, Village Falls.

2 BR2 ba, patio. WD, ca, gar pkg, gym, indr pool. $1900. Miriam Jennings, 617-964-1564. Antaramian Realty, 617-965-8816 NEWTON, MANY 1-4 BR's "THE RENTAL EXPERTS" LBK REALTY (617)332-2266 NEWTON, Unique rehab, spac 3BR, sep guest suite, elegant loc, nat woods, $2450, Owner.

969-1561 NEWTON, Lwr Falls, 2 bdrm, 1Vfe bths. bsmt, wd, $1500 Wlk Trans. Bob, Hunneman 508-370-41 00 NEWTON, Renov. 4 BR, 2 ba hse, cable, wd. Xloc, XbusRailPike, prkg.

No fee $2000 617-243-9931 NEWTON. Visit once, you'll stay forever! Many units avail. Other towns. R.E. 61 7-969-0676 NEWTON, Beaut Vict.

2 BR, new kit, nat. wood, in unit, nr $1700 htd. Residential R.E. 617-244-2755 NEWTON. Reduced! New 3BR2'Ab TH, 2 c-gar, gleams! $2,650 PRES PROP 617527-3700 NEWTON, Cor.

Steps to X-bus, lg. 2 br condo, garg. prkg. nwflrs, wd, $1450 htd. RE 617243-0770 NEWTON, ville quiet hse beaut 2 BR fireplcd living diningrom.china cabs.offic $1600htd RE 738-0300 NEWTON, W.

avl now. 3 BR lop it compl e-i-k reVm1; tko. iauu unnia. AX Select 787-0700 NEWTON. Cor.

2BR $1250 inc hthw, 1 prkg, no fee. Laun dw. 617-558-0695 NEWTON, 2 BR, hw firs, dd. dinrm. prch.

wd, quiet, $1400. RE 617-244-2755 NEWTON, 2 BR, hw firs, frpl, sunrm, gar. $1800. Residential 61 7-244-2755 NEWTON, Aub. 2br, new kit, DR.

qleam hw, $1425 PRES PROP 617527-3700 NEWTON, Ctr. Nice 1 br. in hse, quiet st. wd, sunrm. eik.

$1000. RE 243-0770 NEWTON, 3br. sngl fam hse, 1 Vfe ba, hwflrs, yd prkg, $1800, RE 243-0770 NEWTON, Mod 2br $1150; Top fir 2 Br2ba, bale $1300 RE 617243-0770 NEWTON, gorgeous 4br in hse, fresh paint. Must see. Pkg.

$2000. RE 558-5505 NEWTON, nice 2br, heated, 1100. 3br in house, 1600. RE 558-5505 NEWTON. Exceptional 3br in house, delead, pet OK.

$2000 RE 558-5505 NEWTON, 2 BR apt. pool tennis, avl 51. $995 mo. No tee. 617-327-3099.

NEWTONVILLE. Near Wal-tham line. Adorable 3 rm, 1bd, hw firs, yard, gar, gas ht, 41 $825 NEWTON. Nonantum. Bright clean 5 rms, 2nd fir, fresh paint, new ww, vacant $1200 incl ht hw NEWTON, Ctr.

Beaut young 3 Bd TH 2Vi Ba, fpl. cac, gleaming hw firs, bsmnt. pkg: walk to green line; Avail May 1st $2100 NEWTON, W. Charming 2 Bd, sunrm den, fpl LR, DR. dd, wd hu, pkg.

vacant, no pets $1250 unhtd Edsall R.E. 617-527-3457 NORWOOD, ass Nestled within a resi-lalSj dential neighborhood, yet close to Rle 1 95 Extra Lge 1 2 BR apts. with AC and Fully applianced Eat In Kitchens. Walkin Closets. Terrace or balcony with Landscaped Views.

Outdr pool tennis courts. 1 BR start at $895 2BR 2 Bath start at $1025 Rents include HTHW Free Pkg No Feel Sorry No Pets (781)762-8880 NORWOOD. 2 BRs, from An KLun nro clnrrt iiovefy resld area. Non- woodwestwood In. Conv to TiiHHtj, tram, rree pool, tennis, prkg.

No pets. Open daily 10-6Sat. 10- NORWEST WOODS (781) 762-1111 'i: Equsi Housing Opportunity is NORWOOD. 2br. Ht, hw gas, ac, ww.

pkg. Elec not HAMILTON, Sunny 2 BR, 5 rms, resioreu country apt, Rine firs, nr train, dshwshr, iundry, yard, porch. $1225 978-468-1132 HAVERHHL, Country Set- Mlty Vrvtiy PlNE BROOK PLACE A 1 Bedroom from $685 2 RerJiTvimft frnm 77n Just off 1-495. Close to 1-93 (New uwnersntp Rennu. Anartmerrt hnmen Heat hot water included Window treatments furnished New wail to waif carpeting Abundant closet space (swimming poot, i nnis Laundry facilities Prof! On-site mamt 24 hr emergency service Piibtic tranRrwiftntinn Convenient to shopping and entertainment frofessbnaity Managed by I uoibon L-ompany HOPKINTON, 2 BR Twnhse tamrm wwet bar, jacz.

large deck, $1 350. Avail 5f. Call (508) 898-9993 HYDE PARK, (Readville oeciionj, dv owner, wewiy Renov 2BR wplenty of closet space, e-i-k, lots of windows, back prcn a lg yard. Walk to train (12 minutes dwntwn Boston), 5min Rt 12895, plenty off St pkg $975. 617-364-0751 HYDE PARK, Mod 2BR top Ti uonao, nwa ns, tauna, ac, pkg, hthw, cooking incl $1100, 1st, last Vfesec41 781-769-6887 JAMAICA PLAIN, Smashing top noor oea, rrpi, no wo firs, huge EIK $1400 JAMAICA PLAIN, Fabulous location nr everything w2 pkg spaces! One plus or 2 bed, hdwd firs, yard $1200 JAMAICA PLAIN, Oversize 3 bed on 2 Ms has EIK, hw firs, nr $1500 522-4500 MCAISA for FEE JAMAICA PLAIN, Call Now! 1 Dr.

nwt. now $895 1br, pond, all utils inc. $950 2br, hwf $850 2br hthw inc $950 2br, hwf, hthw $1095 2br, all utils Old Vict. $1500 3br, hwf mod 1500 We have morel PRUDENTIAL PRIME PROPERTIESMAXFIELD 524-5060 JAMAICA PL. Apts.

Apts. 2BR 4BR $1500, JP Rentals Etc. RE 617-524-APTS. JAMAICA PLAIN. 1BR renov $1200; 2BR hwfs $1300; 3BR Pondside $1500.

Nr Others, Pets neg. JP Assoc 522-5050. JAMAICA PLAIN, nr Forest Hill, sml 1BR mod hwf, $705unhtd. No dogs Low fee. RE 734-4200 JAMAICA PLAIN, Beaut sun 1 BR hwflrs, ei kit $850 hthw inc.

61 7-522-4440 LEXINGTON. Katahdin Woods. Find out why we're the BESTI We offer spacious apts. wfully ap-plic. ww wd central ac more.

Amenities include clubhouse, fitness room, pool playground. 2 BR, 2 bth. Rents start at $1695. Call us today at 781 -B62-1998 LEXINGTON. 2 BR Twnhse, dw, wd hkup.

ww, close to schls maior rtes, $1325 htd. Max. inc. limit: 2 persons $60,200 3 persons $67,600 (781) 863-1810. EHO Affirmative Fair Mrktng LITTLETON, Spacious new, mod.

luxury 2 BRs in landscaped community. Bright, extra closet space, French drs onto priv. Gourmet low rate hithclub membership. Let us fax you our brochurel POND SIDE 978-486-4007 LOWELL, Tired of basic cookie cutter apts? Come see our totally unique 1 2 BR apts in historic Mass Mills bordering Lowell nat'l. parks.

Health club whot tub sauna, hthw CA incl. $800mo up. Convenient to Rtes, 3, 495 93 unlike anything elsel 978-970-2200 LOWELL, Keith Academy. 2 BR 3 Ivl. unit, 2 bths, ac.

Sool nr trainYMCAhiways 775; 1 BR unique tower unit $600, 978-649-3350 LOWELL. 3 BR, 1Vi BA twnhs. cvacair.hw, 5 min to 3110495, avail 51, hthw $1100mo 452-3178 LOWELL, Lg. 2BR1Vibath Quiet bldq. aC.W&D.

und. conv to 495, 3 41 3fPU. 5UO-4bU-9124 LYNN. SwamDscott linn Eastern Ave, 2 blocks' to ocean, a tM, 6 rm, 1st fir, disposal, beaut kitchen, oft st prkg, 15-20 minute to DUSIUI1, ii3mu uniua. Call (781) 581-3343.

LYNN, Swampsc In, walk to bchs. transp. secure brick bldg. Spac, Runnv 1A2 BR. From S695 $795.

No fee. Fully apuiu. taaraye. uary, rot 595-0445. Bibby Assocs.

LYNN, Swampscott line. Mod 2 BR Condo in brick bldg, 5 drs from beach, hw firs, full applcd. $825 hthw Ipi) no pers LYNN, Lynn Shore Drv. Ocnfrt IBR wht, slate hw nrs $725 207-443-3533. LYNN, Large 3 BR, oceanview deck, hw, wd, $850.

(617) 308-8550. MAGNOLIA, woodland stu, skyiignt, near Deacn, sin-ale rm. no Detsmkr. Avail. 415, $600 978-525-3550 MALDEN.

2 BR 2 ba. orka. wlk to Avl Apr-Nov 13U. mod vm-3yf-tj3Ba INSTRUCTORNATURALIST At Stone Environmental Spring residential program, 5tn-8th grades from acr N.E. in White Mtns.

ScienceOutdoor Ed, related degree pref. Exp. with Youth Science Camp a plus Room board plus season salary. Start 320. Send Itr of interest resume: SESNE, Box 36, Harrison, ME 04040.

207-583-9960 INFANT AND PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Corn and join our team Professionals, We are seek fcng creative, energetic and caring teachers. OCCS Qualrfid. Full ttme positions avail. Benefits competitive salaries. Accessible by pubtic transportation.

Call Cheryl (617) 846-7150 FAx 617-846-8779 r.1J I.IJ.'Ml.lJ.ier-1 The City of Boston Department of Neighborhood v. Development is seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Responsible for supervising Project Managers and Clerks in new construction and renovation projects of City buildings. Supervise, train and evaluate staff; establish and monitor schedules and budgets; inspect projects, review change orders, and negotiate costs; establish policies ana procedures; serve a liaison to user agencies, architects, contractors, elected officials and the public; manage staff to produce projects on time and on budget. Qualifications: 5 yrs. experience in management, preferably public sector related to engineering, architecture or construction and 5 yrs.

in supervisory capacity required. Successful experience managing a staff of 5 or more, and project or program budgets of over $25M. Knowledge of MA Building Code, Chapter 149, construction regulations, statutes and generally accept trade practices preferred. Salary to high 60 s. REVIEW ARCHITECT Responsible for the timely and professional review of drawings, specifications, estimates, pro" grams and studies at various stages and establishing design standards, preparing scopes of work, monitoring design changes, ana assisting in the capital' planning process.

Qualifications: 7 yrs. related experience, experience-in budgeting and scheduling of design process knowledge of MA code. Chapter 149, construction-regulations, statutes and generally accepted trade eractices. Registered Architect in MA required. -alary to low 60 s.

SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE MUST BE A CITY Of BOSTON RESIDENT UPON HIRING Send resume and cover letter (indicating position) by March 26, 1999 to: Office oi Personnel Management i Boston City Hall, Room 612 Boston. MA. 02201 (617)635-3370 ''mm The City of Boston is an Equal Oppty Employer HVAC CADD OPERATOR Air Hydronic Systems. Design andor estimating exp. a plus.

Excellent opportunity with a progressive. Suburban Based Commercial Mechanical Contracting Company. Excellent benefits, incl. 401 K. Send resume to: P.O.

Box 3113 Woburn, MA 01888 FT Masters Level Clinician Needed for residential dual DX TX program. Salary nea Contact Director, PO Box 493 East Boston, MA 02128 GENERAL MANAGER: Boston Tea Party Ship Attraction. The successful candidate will be a motivator wprior mgmt. exp. wex-cept'l computer literacy.

Will be respons. for entire operation. Bntts pkg incl meddentlife401k. Please fax resume: Historic Tours Of America 305-293-7230 or mail to 201 Front Ste. 208.

Key West, FL. 33042. EOE Drug Free. NEWTON, Best Dealsl Stu, Ctr, pkg, 51 $750; 1BR mod EIK, dd. Indy, $1000; 2 BR, all new.

Elk pkg hwf $1 150; 2 BR dplx, ctr mod $1300; 2 BR, hinds, pet ok, gar. fp, $1350; 2 BR, Fam, fp, hwf, DR, $1450; 3 BR Dplx, 2 Fam, pkg, $1400; 3 BR 2 famT no lead, mod EIK, DR, gar. Indy. $1500. 3BR ctr.

all new $1700. Many more avail. Call or walk in! NEWTON CENTRE RE 15 Cyjess St. 332-0077 RED LINE REAL ESTATE 617-776-7000 Lease no pet 761-762-2227 379 Higniano Ave. nr.

i PogerTJavis R.E. 617-625-8009.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2025)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.