Galatians 5:19-21 - Joseph Benson’s Bible Commentary (2024)

Table of Contents
Adam Clarke Bible Commentary Albert Barnes' Bible Commentary Annotated Bible by A.C. Gaebelein Arthur Peake's Commentary on the Bible Barclay Daily Study Bible (NT) Barclay Daily Study Bible (NT) Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges Commentary Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges Commentary Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges Commentary Charles Rose Commentaries Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible College Press Bible Study Textbook Series College Press Bible Study Textbook Series Combined Bible Commentary Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible Concordant Commentary on the New Testament by A. E. Knoch Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible Expositor's Bible Commentary (Nicoll) Expositor's Bible Commentary (Nicoll) Expositor's Greek Testament (Nicoll) Expositor's Greek Testament (Nicoll) Frederick Brotherton Meyer's Commentary G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible Geneva Study Bible Commentary Hawker's Poor man's commentary Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary John Calvin's Bible Commentary John Darby's Synopsis John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible John Trapp Complete Commentary Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament (1851) Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible Manly Luscombe Commentary on New Testament Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible McGarvey and Pendleton Commentaries NT Verse References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers Patchworkid's Personal Study Bible Notes Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible Philip Schaff's Popular Commentary on the NT (4 vols) Philip Schaff's Popular Commentary on the NT (4 vols) Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament Spurgeon's Bible Commentary Spurgeon's Bible Commentary Spurgeon's Bible Commentary Spurgeon's Bible Commentary Summarized Bible Commentary Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments The Bible Study New Testament The Biblical Illustrator The ESV Global Study Bible's Study Notes The ESV Global Study Bible's Study Notes The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary The Pulpit Commentaries Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament (4 Volume Set) Wells of Living Water Commentary Wells of Living Water Commentary Wesley's Explanatory Notes William Burkitt's Expository Notes
  • Adam Clarke Bible Commentary

    Verse 19. _NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST_] By _flesh_ weare to understand the evil and fallen state of the soul, no longerunder the guidance of God's Spirit and right reason, but under th...

  • Albert Barnes' Bible Commentary

    NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH - What the flesh, or what corrupt andunrenewed human nature produces.ARE MANIFEST - Plain, well-known. The world is full of illustrationsof what corrupt human nature prod...

  • Annotated Bible by A.C. Gaebelein

    III. THE WALK OF THE JUSTIFIED BELIEVER,AS NOT UNDER THE LAW, BUT UNDER GRACECHAPTER 5_ 1. Stand fast! Be not entangled! (Galatians 5:1)_2. Exhortations and the law of love. (Galatians 5:7)3....

  • Arthur Peake's Commentary on the Bible

    GALATIANS 5:13 TO GALATIANS 6:10. Practical appendix to the epistle;in the form of guarding the doctrine of free grace against antinomianabuse....

  • Barclay Daily Study Bible (NT)

    I tell you, let your walk and conversation be dominated by the Spirit,and don't let the desires of the lower side of your nature have theirway. For the desires of the lower side of human nature are...

  • Barclay Daily Study Bible (NT)

    AN OLD STORY AND A NEW MEANING (Galatians 4:21-31 ; Galatians 5:1) 5:1 Tell me this--you who want to be subject to the law, you listento it being read to you, don't you? Well, then, it stands writte...

  • Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes

    WORKS. Contrast "fruit", Galatians 5:22.MANIFEST. Greek. _phaneros_. App-106.WHICH. such as.ADULTERY. The texts omit.UNCLEANNESS. Greek. _akatharsia_. See Romans 1:24.LASCIVIOUSNESS. Greek. _...

  • Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

    St Paul supplies a test whereby men may ascertain whether they areunder the curse of the law or heirs of the promise. First, the Apostle gives a list of the _works of the flesh_notcomplete but comp...

  • Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges Commentary

    ἍΤΙΝΆ ἘΣΤΙΝ ΠΟΡΝΕΊΑ. א*ABCP vulg. syrpesh.μοιχεία is inserted after ἐστιν by Text. Rec. withאcD(G)KL syrHarcl.19. ΦΑΝΕΡΆ ΔΈ ἘΣΤΙΝ. In Galatians 5:19-23 St Paulcontrasts the signs that mark the na...

  • Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges Commentary


  • Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges Commentary

    16–24. _The nature, outcome, and means of Liberty in daily life_(Galatians 5:16) In contrast to such disputes, which are the visiblesigns of lives lived by the flesh, walk by the spirit and you will...

  • Charles Rose Commentaries

    СПИСКИ добродетелей и пороков _см._ вDPL, 962-63; ABD, 6:857-59. ΦΑΝΕΡΌΣ (G5318) ясный, проявленный, ΠΟΡΝΕΊΑ (G4202) блуд (TDNT; FS, 24-28). ΆΚΑΘΑΡΣΊΑ (G167) нечистота,оскверненность (FS, 29-30)....

  • Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae

    DISCOURSE: 2085THE FRUITS OF THE FLESH AND OF THE SPIRIT CONTRASTEDGalatians 5:19. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which arethese; Adultery fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolat...

  • Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible

    NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST;— If _flesh_ be taken forthe irregularities of the appetite,—for that natural corruptionwhich infects the faculties of every man by nature; it extends to the...

  • College Press Bible Study Textbook Series

    TEXT 5:19, 20(19) Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these:fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, (20) idolatry, sorcery,enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, division...

  • College Press Bible Study Textbook Series

    SPECIAL STUDYTHE WORKS OF THE FLESH AND THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRITGalatians 5:19Adultery is found only in the KJV, since it is missing in the oldestand best Greek manuscripts. The sin itself is proh...

  • Combined Bible Commentary

    _VERSE 19. NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST, WHICH ARE THESE._VERSES 19, 20. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which arethese: adultery, fornification, uncleanness, lasciviousness, id...

  • Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery,fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Confirming Galatians 5:18 by the contrariety between the works of theflesh and the fru...

  • Concordant Commentary on the New Testament by A. E. Knoch

    1 This paragraph is the summary and conclusion of the doctrinalargument. Tersely, he puts the case. Which shall it be _ Christ _ or _circumcision_!' No half hearted allegiance here, no serving of tw...

  • Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible

    THE NATURE OF CHRISTIAN LIBERTY1-12. The futility of seeking justification by attempting to complywith the demands of the Mosaic Law; the inconsistency of works andfaith as methods of salvation.P...

  • Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible

    WORKS OF THE FLESH include not merely carnal sins, such as the firstthree in the list, but evil passions like strife and jealousy andtheir social effects, such as factions and divisions.22, 23. AG...

  • EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries

    CHRIST HAS MADE US FREEGALATIANS_HELEN POCOCK_CHAPTER 5CHRIST HAS MADE US FREEV1 We have freedom because Christ has made us free. Be certain thatyou remain free. You must not allow yourselv...

  • EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries

    People *sin when they live by their own desires. These *sins are in 4groups.(1) Sex *sins. God created sex. So it is a good thing. But it is rightonly between a man and his wife. All other sex is...

  • Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible

    (16-26) To follow the guidance of the Spirit is to obtain a doublerelease: on the one hand, from the evil appetites and passions of theflesh or of sense — which is the direct antithesis to the Spiri...

  • Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible

    NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST. — It needs no elaboratedisquisition to show what is meant by fulfilling the lust of theflesh. The effects which the flesh produces are plain and obviousenou...

  • Expositor's Bible Commentary (Nicoll)

    CHAPTER 23CHRIST'S SPIRIT AND HUMAN FLESH.Galatians 5:16LOVE is the guard of Christian freedom. The Holy Spirit is its guide.These principles accomplish what the law could never do. It withheld...

  • Expositor's Bible Commentary (Nicoll)

    CHAPTER 24THE WORKS OF THE FLESH.Galatians 5:19THE tree is known by its fruits: the flesh by its "works." And theseworks are "manifest." The field of the world-"this present evil world"Galatian...

  • Expositor's Greek Testament (Nicoll)

    Though this verse enumerates only evil works of the flesh, it is notthereby suggested that its action is wholly evil; for the flesh hasbeen shown to have its appointed function from God, and to bee...

  • Expositor's Greek Testament (Nicoll)


  • Frederick Brotherton Meyer's Commentary

    PRODUCE THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRITGalatians 5:13That Christ has freed us from the Law as a means of salvation does notfree us from moral restraint, but brings us under the constraint of ahigher law,...

  • G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible

    The whole law of liberty is stated in the sentences, "For freedom didChrist set us free," "stand fast therefore," and "be not entangledagain in a yoke of bondage."He then refers first to circumcis...

  • Geneva Study Bible Commentary

    (16) Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these];Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,(16) He sets out that particularly of which he spoke generally,reckoning up some...

  • Hawker's Poor man's commentary

    (19) Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, (20) Idolatry,witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions,he...

  • Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly

    Galatians 1:1-24. We saw the second of Corinthians characterized bythe most rapid transitions of feeling, by a deep and fervent sense ofGod's consolations, by a revulsion so much the more powerful i...

  • James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary

    _A GREAT CONTRAST_‘The works of the flesh … the fruit of the Spirit.’Galatians 5:19; Galatians 5:22 What a contrast there is presented to us in these few lines! Theworks of the flesh against the...

  • John Calvin's Bible Commentary

    19._Now the works of the flesh are manifest_. To obey the spirit andto oppose the flesh, are two great objects which have been set beforeChristians, and for the attainment of which they have been ur...

  • John Darby's Synopsis

    It is in this liberty, the liberty of Christ, alluding to the freewoman and Jerusalem above, that they were to stand fast, and not putthemselves again under the yoke of the law. If they took that gr...

  • John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible

    NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST,.... By "flesh" is meantcorrupt nature, as before, and by the works of it, not only externalacts of sin, but inward lusts; for such are here mentioned among i...

  • John Trapp Complete Commentary

    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are _these_; Adultery,fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,Ver. 19. _Now the works of the flesh_] Sinners are sore labourers;wicked men great wor...

  • Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament (1851)

    THE WORKS OF THE FLESH; those to which corrupt human nature prompts,and when not restrained, produces....

  • Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible

    The works of the flesh:...

  • Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible


  • Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible

    LIBERTY TO BE PRACTICED(vs.1-6)Chapter 4 dealt with the perfect freedom introduced by God Himselfthrough Christ, freedom given to all who have been redeemed by Hisprecious blood, freedom from the...

  • Manly Luscombe Commentary on New Testament

    NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE EVIDENT, WHICH ARE: ADULTERY,FORNICATION, UNCLEANNESS, LEWDNESS,Works of the flesh are - plural, a multiple list, do not violate ANYof theseAdultery - violation of...

  • Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible

    16-26 If it be our care to act under the guidance and power of theblessed Spirit, though we may not be freed from the stirrings andoppositions of the corrupt nature which remains in us, it shall no...

  • Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible

    THE WORKS OF THE FLESH; the products of the natural inclinations andpropensions in the heart of man. ARE MANIFEST, WHICH ARE THESE; hesaith, these are _manifest, _ the filthiness of them appears by...

  • McGarvey and Pendleton Commentaries

    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: fornication,uncleanness, lasciviousness,...

  • NT Verse References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers

    Irenaeus Against Heresies Book Vhatreds, contentions jealousies, wraths, emulations, animosities,irritable speeches, dissensions, heresies, envyings, drunkenness,carousings, and such like; of whic...

  • Patchworkid's Personal Study Bible Notes

    Galatians 5:19 Now G1161 works G2041 flesh G4561 are G2076 (G5748)evident G5318 which G3748 are G2076 ...

  • Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible

    ‘Now the works of the flesh are openly revealed, which are these,fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities,strife, jealousies, fits of anger, factions, divisions, party f...

  • Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible

    FREEDOM IS NOT TO BE MISINTERPRETED AS LICENCE. THEY MUST WALK IN LOVEAND BY THE SPIRIT (GALATIANS 5:13).Paul now goes on to deal with the charge that the Gospel he ispresenting gives men licence t...

  • Philip Schaff's Popular Commentary on the NT (4 vols)

    Galatians 5:19-21. NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST, OF WHICHKIND (or such as) ARE. The practical test of the fruits by which atree is known (comp. Matthew 7:16). ‘Manifest,' plain and obviou...

  • Philip Schaff's Popular Commentary on the NT (4 vols)

    _Walking by the Spirit. The Works of the Flesh and the Fruit of theSpirit._Paul exhorts the Galatians to lead a truly Christian life under theguidance of the Holy Spirit, and contrasts the vices o...

  • Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament

    MANIFEST (φανερα). Opposed to "hidden" (κρυπτα). Ancient writerswere fond of lists of vices and virtues. Cf. Stalker's sermons on _TheSeven Cardinal Virtues_ and _The Seven Deadly Sins_. There are...

  • Spurgeon's Bible Commentary

    Galatians 5:1. _Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christhath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke ofbondage._«You are not under the law, but under grace. Do not subje...

  • Spurgeon's Bible Commentary

    Galatians 5:1. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christhad made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Chris...

  • Spurgeon's Bible Commentary

    Remember, beloved brethren, that the Epistle to the Galatians is onein which Paul, with especial clearness, proves the doctrine ofjustification by faith alone. So much is this the case, that thefam...

  • Spurgeon's Bible Commentary

    Galatians 5:13. _For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; onlyuse not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve oneanother._Do not turn your liberty into license. The apostle...

  • Summarized Bible Commentary

    CONTENTS: Liberty of the believer in Christ, apart from the law.Conflict of flesh and the Spirit. Christian character the result ofthe Spirit's work not self-effort.CHARACTERS: Christ, Holy Spirit...

  • Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

    Galatians 5:1. _Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christhath made us free,_ by the redemption he has procured through theshedding of his own most precious blood. The liberty of your cele...

  • The Bible Study New Testament

    WHAT HUMAN NATURE DOES. Paul is talking about the evil side of ourhuman nature, not ordinary human desires and needs. Even Christiansstill have this _evil side,_ as the case of the Galatian Christia...

  • The Biblical Illustrator

    _Now the works of the flesh are manifest._THE WORKS OF THE FLESH OUR OWNIt is the same with all the passions and appetites. No one of themever leaves a man, who indulges them, just where he was be...

  • The ESV Global Study Bible's Study Notes

    GALATIANS—NOTE ON GALATIANS 5:19 WORKS OF THE FLESH. Without thetransforming work of the Holy Spirit, sinful humans follow wickeddesires and actions....

  • The ESV Global Study Bible's Study Notes

    GALATIANS—NOTE ON GALATIANS 5:16 Life under the law expresses itselfin the works of the flesh, but those who live by the Spirit bear fruitpleasing to God. ⇐...

  • The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide

    CHAPTER 5SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTERi. S. Paul proceeds to urge the Galatians not to submit to the yoke ofthe Old Law, lest they be deprived of the fruits of Christ'srighteousness, since in Him neit...

  • The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide

    _The works of the flesh are manifest._ The works that spring from theflesh, _i.e._, from concupiscence, as I said in the note to ver. 17._Fornication._ On the works of the flesh in detail, see Jero...

  • The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary

    _CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES_Galatians 5:19. THE WORKS OF THE FLESH.—1. _Sensual vices_—“adultery [omitted in the oldest MSS.],fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness.”2. _Theological vices...

  • The Pulpit Commentaries

    EXPOSITIONGALATIANS 5:1GALATIANS 5:2 BEHOLD, I PAUL SAY UNTO YOU (ἴδε, ἐγὼ Παῦλοςλώγω ὑμῖν); _lo_,_ I Paul say unto you. _The adverbialexclamation ἴδε, found in St. Paul's writings on...

  • Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith

    Shall we turn now to Galatians chapter five. The whole concept is: howdo I establish a righteous standing before God? Can I be righteous bykeeping the law? Or am I righteous by my simple faith in Je...

  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

    1 Corinthians 3:3; 1 Corinthians 6:10; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Peter 4:2;...

  • Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament (4 Volume Set)

    Manifest. You have a clearly defined standard by' which to decidewhether you are led by the Spirit or by the flesh. Each exhibits itspeculiar works or fruits.Adultery [μ ο ι χ ε ι α]. To be droppe...

  • Wells of Living Water Commentary

    THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRITGalatians 5:1INTRODUCTORY WORDSMuch is written about the Holy Spirit in the Word of God. The Epistlesof Paul are freighted with many marvelous messages relative to theSp...

  • Wells of Living Water Commentary

    THE GRACES OF THE SPIRIT'S INDWELLINGGalatians 5:14INTRODUCTORY WORDS1. The works of the flesh are manifest. It is not necessary for anyoneto draw upon his imagination to describe the works of...

  • Wesley's Explanatory Notes

    Now the works of the flesh — By which that inward principle isdiscovered. Are manifest — Plain and undeniable. Works are mentionedin the plural because they are distinct from, and often inconsistent...

  • William Burkitt's Expository Notes

    Our apostle having in the foregoing verses, exhorted the Galatians towalk in the Spirit, to be led and guided by the Spirit, and by nomeans to obey or fulfil the lusts of the flesh; he comes in thes...

  • Galatians 5:19-21 - Joseph Benson’s Bible Commentary (2024)
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    Author: Aron Pacocha

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    Name: Aron Pacocha

    Birthday: 1999-08-12

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    Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.