Experience MSU Summer Advantage for Current Students (2025)

Current Students

Mississippi State is more committed than ever to providing options to help you stay on track with your academic goals.

By enrolling in MSU Summer Advantage, you can catch up on credits, get a head start on your next semester, or enroll in a course or two for professional advancement.

Choose from a variety of subjects and four convenient sessions with plenty of opportunities to explore new interests, engage with faculty and students in smaller classes, catch up on major or minor requirements or forge ahead with a new emphasis.

And with courses available in-person and online, there's no obstacle to advancing your academic and professional interests.

Courses Tuition Financial Aid FAQs Register

Summer Advantage Overview

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the dates for 2024 Summer Sessions? What classes and professors will be available this summer? What are the tuition rates? Can I use my current scholarships? What kind of financial aid is available? Will on-campus housing be available?

What are the dates for 2024 Summer Sessions?

May 14– May 30

Summer Ten Week Term:
June 3 – August 6

Summer First Term:
June 3 – July 1

Summer Second Term:
July 8 – August 6

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What classes and professors will be available this summer?

Access MSU’scourses for Summer

Current students may choose from an array of summer courses based on your campus of record, which is noted in the General Student Information tab in Banner. Maymester courses are open to all current students. Please reference the table below to determine which campuses you are eligible to register for, depending on your campus of record.

Campus Offerings
First, Second and Ten Week Sessions
Students' Campus of RecordStarkvilleMeridianOnlineGulf Coast
StarkvilleCan registerCan registerCan registerCan register
MeridianCan registerCan registerCan registerCan register
OnlineCannot registerCannot registerCan registerCannot register
Gulf CoastCan registerCan registerCan registerCan register

Be sure to check the Master Class schedule regularly as courses may be added up to the first day of classes.

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What are the tuition rates?

MSU’s affordable summer tuition rates are available to all current, new and prospective students. Fees for undergraduate and graduate-level courses for all campuses, including Starkville, Meridian, Gulf Coast and Online, are included in the table below.

Summer rates do not include the university’s capital improvement fee of $4.17/credit hour for undergraduate students or $5.56 for graduate students. The CVM technology fee is not discounted, and the Instructional support fee and other applicable distance fees for Online students are not discounted.

Student TypeSummer 2024 Fee/per credit hour
Undergraduate - resident$406.92
Undergraduate – non resident$1,105.67
Graduate – resident$542.56
Graduate – non resident$1,474.06

Additional information can be found at Controller's Tuition page.

Any questions may be emailed to studentaccounts@msstate.edu.

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Can I use my current scholarships?

Current students may use summer as one of their scholarship semesters. This option is recommended ONLY if you plan to take a full load of 12 hours or more since scholarships in the summer will count against your total. For additional information, contact the Scholarship Office at scholarships@msstate.edu.

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What kind of financial aid is available?

Students who register for MSU’s summer classes may qualify for financial aid assistance to help cover their educational costs.

Keep in mind that summer is the end of the financial aid year; thus, individual aid eligibility is based on each student’s remaining annual limits for federal grants and loans.

Students needing financial aid assistance for the summer term should complete the 2023/2024 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and enroll in at least six credit hours. The Financial Aid Office will then identify each of these students, do an analysis of the student’s aid package, and make an award to the student.

New students for Fall 2024 who are taking summer classes must complete the 23/24 FAFSA (for the summer 2023 term) as well as the 2024/2025 FAFSA (fall 2024 spring 2025 terms). Both FAFSA’s are available online at https://studentaid.gov.

For financial aid summer awards, please see details in the table below.

Type of AidBasic QualificationsAward Amounts
Pell GrantsEnroll in at least 6 credit hours. Complete the 2023-24 FAFSA. Have an EFC less than 6,656.Up to $7,395 for full-time enrollment
Student Educational Opportunity GrantsEnroll in at least 6 credit hours. Complete the 2023-24 FAFSA. Be Full Pell eligible.$1,050 (funds are awarded until exhausted)
Subsidized LoansEnroll in at least 6 credit hours. Complete the 2023-24 FAFSA. Have unmet need.Award varies based on student classification
Unsubsidized LoansEnroll in at least 6 credit hours. Complete the 2023-24 FAFSA. Have unmet need.Award varies based on student classification
PLUS LoansEnroll in at least 6 credit hours. Complete the 2023-24 FAFSA. Complete the PLUS application.Award varies based on cost of attendance
Forbes LoansUndergraduate student enrolled with overall GPA of 3.0 or greater. Must have completed 24 hours and enrolled in at least 6 credit hours.Up to $2,500 (funds awarded until exhausted)
Scribner LoanHave unmet financial aid need. Enrolled in at least 6 credit hours. Home address must be north Mississippi.Up to $2,500 (funds awarded until exhausted)

For more information on financial aid, please visit Student Financial Aid.

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Will on-campus housing be available?

Yes, on-campus housing will be available. Please visit Housing and Residence Life to complete the housing application for Summer.

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Experience MSU Summer Advantage for Current Students (2025)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.