Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (2024)

  • Appliances
  • Dryer

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Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (2)

7.4 cu. ft. Front Load Electric Dryer with Intuitive Touch Controls

  • Everyday Price : $1,049.00

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Let the front load electric dryer guide you to the right cycle combinations for whatever you're dryi..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (3)

7.4 cu. ft. Front Load Electric Dryer with Intuitive Touch Controls

Let the front load electric dryer guide you to the right cycle combinations for whatever you're dryi..

  • Everyday Price : $1,049.00

Call Us for Best Price

2 Additional Option

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (5)

Front Load Electric Dryer with Extra Power and Quick Dry Cycle - 7.3 cu. ft.

  • Sale Price : $954.00

When heavy jeans get mixed in the dryer with thin shirts, push the Extra Power button to help get th..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (6)

Front Load Electric Dryer with Extra Power and Quick Dry Cycle - 7.3 cu. ft.

When heavy jeans get mixed in the dryer with thin shirts, push the Extra Power button to help get th..

  • Sale Price : $954.00

1 Additional Option

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (8)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 7.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load Gas Dryer with Sanitize Cycle

  • Everyday Price : $1,149.00
  • Sale Price : $875.14
  • Total Savings : $273.86

GE® ENERGY STAR® 7.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load Gas Dryer with Sanitize Cycle..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (9)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 7.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load Gas Dryer with Sanitize Cycle

GE® ENERGY STAR® 7.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load Gas Dryer with Sanitize Cycle..

  • Everyday Price : $1,149.00
  • Sale Price : $875.14
  • Total Savings : $273.86

1 Additional Option

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (11)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 7.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load Electric Dryer with Sanitize Cycle

  • Everyday Price : $1,049.00
  • Sale Price : $773.67
  • Total Savings : $275.33

GE® ENERGY STAR® 7.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load Electric Dryer with Sanitize Cycle..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (12)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 7.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load Electric Dryer with Sanitize Cycle

GE® ENERGY STAR® 7.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load Electric Dryer with Sanitize Cycle..

  • Everyday Price : $1,049.00
  • Sale Price : $773.67
  • Total Savings : $275.33

2 Additional Option

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (14)

Front Load Gas Dryer with Extra Power and Quick Dry Cycle - 7.3 cu. ft.

  • Sale Price : $1,066.00

When heavy jeans get mixed in the dryer with thin shirts, push the Extra Power button to help get th..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (15)

Front Load Gas Dryer with Extra Power and Quick Dry Cycle - 7.3 cu. ft.

When heavy jeans get mixed in the dryer with thin shirts, push the Extra Power button to help get th..

  • Sale Price : $1,066.00

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (17)

6.7 Cu. Ft. Free Standing Gas Dryer

  • Everyday Price : $1,099.00
  • Sale Price : $949.00
  • Total Savings : $150.00

The Frigidaire 6.7 Cu. Ft. Large Capacity Free Standing Gas Dryer allows you to fit more in every lo..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (18)

6.7 Cu. Ft. Free Standing Gas Dryer

The Frigidaire 6.7 Cu. Ft. Large Capacity Free Standing Gas Dryer allows you to fit more in every lo..

  • Everyday Price : $1,099.00
  • Sale Price : $949.00
  • Total Savings : $150.00

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (20)

6.7 Cu. Ft. Free Standing Electric Dryer

  • Everyday Price : $999.00
  • Sale Price : $849.00
  • Total Savings : $150.00

The Frigidaire 6.7 Cu. Ft. Large Capacity Free Standing Electric Dryer allows you to fit more in eve..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (21)

6.7 Cu. Ft. Free Standing Electric Dryer

The Frigidaire 6.7 Cu. Ft. Large Capacity Free Standing Electric Dryer allows you to fit more in eve..

  • Everyday Price : $999.00
  • Sale Price : $849.00
  • Total Savings : $150.00


Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (23)

7.5 cu. ft. Smart Dial Gas Dryer with FlexDry™ and Super Speed Dry in Brushed Black

  • Everyday Price : $2,099.00

Call Us for Best Price

Our new Smart Dial Dryer with FlexDry™ lets you dry delicates and everyday clothing at the same time..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (24)

7.5 cu. ft. Smart Dial Gas Dryer with FlexDry™ and Super Speed Dry in Brushed Black

Our new Smart Dial Dryer with FlexDry™ lets you dry delicates and everyday clothing at the same time..

  • Everyday Price : $2,099.00

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Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (26)

7.4 cu. ft. Front Load Hybrid Heat Pump Dryer

  • Sale Price : $2,049.00

Match your family's routines and your space with a front load hybrid heat pump dryer that can be ins..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (27)

7.4 cu. ft. Front Load Hybrid Heat Pump Dryer

Match your family's routines and your space with a front load hybrid heat pump dryer that can be ins..

  • Sale Price : $2,049.00


Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (29)

7.5 cu. ft. Smart Dial Electric Dryer with FlexDry™ and Super Speed Dry in Brushed Black

  • Everyday Price : $1,999.00

Call Us for Best Price

Our new Smart Dial Dryer with FlexDry™ lets you dry delicates and everyday clothing at the same time..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (30)

7.5 cu. ft. Smart Dial Electric Dryer with FlexDry™ and Super Speed Dry in Brushed Black

Our new Smart Dial Dryer with FlexDry™ lets you dry delicates and everyday clothing at the same time..

  • Everyday Price : $1,999.00

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Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (32)

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter Direct Drive Motor System

  • Everyday Price : $1,869.00

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7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (33)

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter Direct Drive Motor System

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter..

  • Everyday Price : $1,869.00

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Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (35)

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter Direct Drive Motor System

  • Everyday Price : $1,869.00

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7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (36)

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter Direct Drive Motor System

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter..

  • Everyday Price : $1,869.00

Call Us for Best Price


Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (38)

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter Direct Drive Motor System

  • Everyday Price : $1,869.00

Call Us for Best Price

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (39)

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter Direct Drive Motor System

7.8 cu. ft. Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Dryer with Dual Inverter HeatPump Technology and Inverter..

  • Everyday Price : $1,869.00

Call Us for Best Price

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (41)

  • Sale Price : $1,799.00

T1 Heat-pump tumble dryer with Miele@home and SteamFinish for smart laundry care...

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (42)

T1 Heat-pump tumble dryer with Miele@home and SteamFinish for smart laundry care...

  • Sale Price : $1,799.00

1 Additional Option

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (44)

7.4 cu. ft. Smart Front Load Electric Dryer

  • Sale Price : $1,699.00

Stay in control and connected from anywhere with a smart front load dryer and the Whirlpool® app.* I..

Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (45)

7.4 cu. ft. Smart Front Load Electric Dryer

Stay in control and connected from anywhere with a smart front load dryer and the Whirlpool® app.* I..

  • Sale Price : $1,699.00
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Showing 1 to 15 of 438 (30 Pages)

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Dryer at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (2024)


How long should a home dryer last? ›

Clothes dryers typically last for about 10 to 13 years. If your dryer has been around for nearly a decade, you will likely be searching for a replacement soon. Ancient dryers should get the boot, as older machines can actually cost you more money. Newer, certified models use less energy, helping you save on costs.

How to get a good deal on a dryer? ›

Finding Washer and Dryer with Discount
  1. Look out for holiday and seasonal sale events.
  2. Watch out for new models being released; last year's models often get discounted.
  3. Consider floor models or refurbished units.
  4. Consider bundling a washer and dryer for additional savings.
May 16, 2024

Is it worth repairing a dryer? ›

If the cost of the repair is going to amount to 50% or more of the cost of a new dryer, then a replacement may be the best long-term option. However, if a replacement isn't going to work with your current budget, a repair is the short-term answer.

How to tell if a dryer is going bad? ›

Your Clothes Aren't Dry

Or have you noticed that your dryer is taking longer than normal? If so, your dryer could be clogged up pretty badly beyond fixing. If you aren't able to clear out the debris or have to run the unit several times before achieving an ideal dry, it very well could be time to replace the dryer.

Are dryers easy to fix? ›

Most dryer problems require a technician, but a few can be fixed on your own. For instance, if you notice your dryer's performance is lagging and clothes are taking longer to dry, check to make sure there's no lint buildup.

How much should I spend on a clothes dryer? ›

Gas vs Electric Dryers: What You Need to Know
Product FeaturesElectric Dryer
Price Range$495–$4,080
Energy UseCosts more based on electric rates of area
CyclesElements need time to heat, resulting in longer drying times
InstallationQuick installation
1 more row
Nov 8, 2022

What type of dryer is cheaper to run? ›

The most energy-efficient tumble dryers – hence the cheapest to run – are heat pump tumble dryers. Condenser dryers come next, closely followed by vented dryers. Gas tumble dryers are comparable to heat pump dryers in terms of energy efficiency and cost.

How do I know when I need a new dryer? ›

It's Excessively Noisy

Your dryer probably isn't the quietest appliance in your household, but excessive noise is never a good sign. Squeaking, grinding, rattling, or thumping sounds can be a warning that your dryer is on its way out.

Should I replace a 12 year old dryer? ›

As with other appliances, the 50% Rule applies: if your appliance is over 50% of its expected lifespan of 10 to 13 years, and it costs more than 50% of its replacement cost to repair it, it may be time to think about replacement.

Why do home dryers take so long? ›

Some of the most common reasons include overloading the dryer, power sources issues, clothes being too wet, a dirty dryer lint screen, clogged dryer vents, or possible part malfunctions. Let's get started by looking at these issues and their solutions.

When should I be concerned about my dryer? ›

Overheating/Burning Smells

Noticing a burning smell when running the dryer, is an immediate cause for concern. Lint building up in the system can reach levels too high for your dryer to function properly. If that lint reaches the dryer heat supply, it can heat up, start burning, and quickly catch on fire.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.