Cedar County Republican and Stockton Journal from Stockton, Missouri (2025)

PAGE FIVE AND STOCKTON JOURNAL Ur. and Mrs. Harry Lorton, Byron Lorton and daughter. Ginger and her Mend, Eddie Beach of Kanaaa City epent Sat-1 in Stockton with friends and relatives. I Card Of Thanks THURSDAY, NOV.

8, I960 1 I wish to express my sincere CEDAR COUNTY- REPUBLICAN thanks to my friends and neigh-bon for their thoughtfulness during my stay in the hospital SINGER LATE MODEL Slant and since returning home. Your Needle Sewing machine. Full FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH Jsrico Springs, Missouri Sunday morning services, 10:00 u. everyone invited. Tuesday night services at 7.3f All-Hay Fellowship every second Sunday in each month.

Church is located in the Hotel Building Room 8. Grace Higgins, Rl, Box 139, Jerico Springs, Mo. cards, letters, flowers and other remembrances have all been deeply appreciated. Mrs. George Burmester.

Card Of Thanks I want to use this means to express my thanks and approbation for tho beautiful cards, WANTED. Man or lady with car sized, fully equipped. Automa tic Zig-sagger. Take payments $10.00 monthly. Half paid out Fully Guaranteed Write Credit manager, 610 West Silsby Springfield, Mo.

44-4Gb Stockton CHURCH OF CHRIST Lords Day Services: Bible Study 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. A lectureship gospel ineeuag is being planned starting on Wednesday night, November 9 and continuing through Sunday night, 20.

Bro. Owen Albrecht from Lamar will the meeting on Wednesday ning, Nov. 9, with his lectures lasting through Saturday night, November 12. Bro. James Corum from Lincoln will speak both Lord's days during the meeting.

We plan to have a different speaker each night from surrounding congregations the last week of the meeting. An invitation is extended to everyone to attend all services. Albiert CHRISMAN 4 Republican Candidate For SOUTHERN JUDGE Needs Your Support and Vote in the Genera Election next Tuesday Qualified Able Reliable He also needs the job Paid Political Adv. NO HUNTING Tho following people forfrhfr hunting, with dog or gun, day or night on property they own or have under their control without written permission from them. James L.

Henry W. E. Vaughn J. F. Thornton C.

C. Nance Owen J. Haralson Noah Kirkpatrick Walter Rainey Mrs. Lula Robertson (b) E. C.

Anderson Joe Pickett Joe Bacon Ray Wright W. A. Brubeck Roy C. Kifcr U. F.

(Duke) Abbott Names will be added to thi list and published once each week during the hunting season for 50 cents per name. REPAIRING Irons Toasters Electric Razors Vacuum Sweepers Ail Kinds of Small Appliances. S. J. ROSENBAUM .1202 South Street Stockton.

44-47I TURNIPS For Sale: See Roy Collins, R4, Stockton. 44 FOR RENT or SALE: Completely modem house in Stockton. D. W. Johnson.

44-45 to service East Cedar county with Watkins products; I will show you my records for past two years which will prove you can earn $100. a week. For full information see Ruby Pracht, 210 W. Fields, El I)u-rodo Springs, lhon UP 6-89-29, after 6:00 p.m. or Saturdays.

44-47 FOR SALE 75 acre farm 85 tillable; 5 room house, electricity; plenty of grass and water, $2500. $500 down; balance easy. Small acreage, good improvements; good well; on all routes $200 down; balance easy. City home 5 rooms modem insulated; two large lots; garage, beautiful home; only $5500. This home walking distance to church school and market; also telephone.

See H. C. YOUNG, 5 mi. east of Stockton on Highway (M) or write, Dunnegan, Mo. 44 REVIVAL AT BEARCREEK Bro.

Winfield Poe will begin series of evangelistic meetings in tho Bearcreek Methodist church on Monday evening, November 7. A welcome is extended to all who will attend these Card Of Thanks I want to sincerely thank nil my Mends and relatives for their cards, messages, flowers and every act of kindness during my recent Illness and hospitalization. These things mean so much in times of trouble and are always remembered. Cleetis Morgan. I Sliced 2 Peaches Biscuits Salad Dressing 303 size 1 5 BURL E.

PHILLIPS Republican Candidate for ASSESSOR Is unopposed for re-election but will appreciate every vote he receives. Paid Political Advertising I Bart. for 33C Early for 49c lb. A li Halves Whole Corn Fresh 303 Pears Cut Peas Shur Shur 2 1-2 Peaches 4 for 39c Kernel 2 for Chip Pickles 2 for Size 2 for erries Fruit 4 for ((J Cocktail Golden 2 for AA Cream Corny? 10 oz. Grape 2 for (IF.

Jelly JX I4. 2 (or AA Catsup Cranberry 2 for AP Sauce 2 j- Spears 2 for IfflU Asparagus flowers and every kindness phowp me while I was a hospital! np.tient and since I have re-! tamed home. May God bless you, everyone. Mrs W. C.

Davis. Card Of Thanks I want to thank everyone for the cards, letters and gifts I received while I was sick, and the people who have visited me while I was in the hospital and after 1 returned home Jay Warren Decker. 2 size 4 for II for 39c 39c qt. 2 23c 29c 5 lb. 35c 63c 3 lb.

EBBS SSSSESf. We Deliver I 3t 3 uraperruit vi $1 Friday Saturday Specials Siioys Crop 2 Cans Orange JaiceY 10 Folgers lb Coffee Cliarmin-Colored Apt Toilet italic 303 Size 49c' 46 oz. Tomato 2 for Greens Beans 2 for Chili-ets 4 Harvest 303 size Sauerkraut Robin-Hood 5 lb bog Flour Powdered or Brown 33c Shurfine FJour Flavor Seal 2 Corn Chunk Tuna 2 Shurfine 25 Flour 2 for Fresh 2 for OLEO Fresh 1 Lb Crackers 19c1 Shurfine Shortening R2 Sale Starts Thursday Oct. 27th Ends Nov- 5th TASTEMARK PHONE 27 Dinner Party Grapefruit Juice Ig can Stokelys Fruit 2 Cocktail Dinner Party Ole 2 lbs ELAMS Food Store -HOME OF; BABY BEEF 1-2 gal..

Cedar County Republican and Stockton Journal from Stockton, Missouri (2025)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.