Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (2024)

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (2)

20.8 Cu. Ft. 36" Width Built In Stainless Steel French Door Refrigerator with Platinum Interior Design

  • Everyday Price : $10,299.00

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Outside, this built-in stainless steel French door refrigerator will seamlessly integrate with your ..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (3)

20.8 Cu. Ft. 36" Width Built In Stainless Steel French Door Refrigerator with Platinum Interior Design

Outside, this built-in stainless steel French door refrigerator will seamlessly integrate with your ..

  • Everyday Price : $10,299.00

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (5)

20.9 Cu. Ft. 36" Width Built-In Stainless Bottom Mount Refrigerator with Platinum Interior Design

  • Everyday Price : $9,049.00

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This built-in bottom-mount refrigerator is as beautiful inside as it is outside. The Preserva® Food ..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (6)

20.9 Cu. Ft. 36" Width Built-In Stainless Bottom Mount Refrigerator with Platinum Interior Design

This built-in bottom-mount refrigerator is as beautiful inside as it is outside. The Preserva® Food ..

  • Everyday Price : $9,049.00

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (8)

30'' 4-Burner Dual Fuel Freestanding Range, Commercial-Style

  • Everyday Price : $5,299.00

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This dual fuel range has commercial styling available in a variety of bold colors. The stunning loo..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (9)

30'' 4-Burner Dual Fuel Freestanding Range, Commercial-Style

This dual fuel range has commercial styling available in a variety of bold colors. The stunning loo..

  • Everyday Price : $5,299.00

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (11)

27" Double Wall Oven with Even-Heat™ True Convection

  • Everyday Price : $4,299.00

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This 27" Double Wall Oven with Even-Heat™ True Convection provides consistent heating and even cooki..

27" Double Wall Oven with Even-Heat™ True Convection

This 27" Double Wall Oven with Even-Heat™ True Convection provides consistent heating and even cooki..

  • Everyday Price : $4,299.00

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (13)


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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (15)

Café™ ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Smart Counter-Depth French-Door Refrigerator with Hot Water Dispenser

  • Everyday Price : $4,099.00

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Café™ ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Smart Counter-Depth French-Door Refrigerator with Hot Water Dispense..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (16)

Café™ ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Smart Counter-Depth French-Door Refrigerator with Hot Water Dispenser

Café™ ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Smart Counter-Depth French-Door Refrigerator with Hot Water Dispense..

  • Everyday Price : $4,099.00

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (18)

GE® 30" Smart Built-In Self-Clean Convection Double Wall Oven with Never Scrub Racks

  • Everyday Price : $3,777.00
  • Sale Price : $3,400.17
  • Total Savings : $376.83

GE® 30" Smart Built-In Self-Clean Convection Double Wall Oven with Never Scrub Racks..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (19)

GE® 30" Smart Built-In Self-Clean Convection Double Wall Oven with Never Scrub Racks

GE® 30" Smart Built-In Self-Clean Convection Double Wall Oven with Never Scrub Racks..

  • Everyday Price : $3,777.00
  • Sale Price : $3,400.17
  • Total Savings : $376.83

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (20)


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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (22)

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Range with Convection Oven

  • Everyday Price : $3,399.00

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Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Range with Convection Oven..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (23)

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Range with Convection Oven

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Range with Convection Oven..

  • Everyday Price : $3,399.00

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (25)

GE® 27" Smart Built-In Convection Double Wall Oven

  • Everyday Price : $3,554.00
  • Sale Price : $3,199.47
  • Total Savings : $354.53

GE® 27" Smart Built-In Convection Double Wall Oven..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (26)

GE® 27" Smart Built-In Convection Double Wall Oven

GE® 27" Smart Built-In Convection Double Wall Oven..

  • Everyday Price : $3,554.00
  • Sale Price : $3,199.47
  • Total Savings : $354.53

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (28)

27" Single Wall Oven with Even-Heat™ True Convection

  • Everyday Price : $3,199.00

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This 27" Single Wall Oven with Even-Heat™ True Convection provides consistent heating and even cooki..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (29)

27" Single Wall Oven with Even-Heat™ True Convection

This 27" Single Wall Oven with Even-Heat™ True Convection provides consistent heating and even cooki..

  • Everyday Price : $3,199.00

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (31)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

  • Everyday Price : $3,099.00

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Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (32)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

  • Everyday Price : $3,099.00

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (34)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 27 Cu. Ft.

  • Everyday Price : $2,999.00

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Maytag® stainless steel french door refrigerators are built tough with strength and storage you can ..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (35)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 27 Cu. Ft.

Maytag® stainless steel french door refrigerators are built tough with strength and storage you can ..

  • Everyday Price : $2,999.00

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (37)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

  • Everyday Price : $2,999.00

Call Us for Best Price

Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (38)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

  • Everyday Price : $2,999.00

Call Us for Best Price

3 Additional Option

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (40)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

  • Everyday Price : $2,999.00

Call Us for Best Price

Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (41)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

  • Everyday Price : $2,999.00

Call Us for Best Price

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Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (43)

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Double-Oven Range with Convection

  • Everyday Price : $3,999.00
  • Sale Price : $2,998.00
  • Total Savings : $1,001.00

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Double-Oven Range with Convection..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (44)

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Double-Oven Range with Convection

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Double-Oven Range with Convection..

  • Everyday Price : $3,999.00
  • Sale Price : $2,998.00
  • Total Savings : $1,001.00

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (46)

36-inch Wide 4-Door Refrigerator with Exterior Drawer - 26 cu. ft.

  • Sale Price : $2,943.00

Get flexible storage with purposeful spaces for your family's favorites. This bottom freezer refrige..

Appliances at D&K Appliances Inc. in Newtown Square, PA (47)

36-inch Wide 4-Door Refrigerator with Exterior Drawer - 26 cu. ft.

Get flexible storage with purposeful spaces for your family's favorites. This bottom freezer refrige..

  • Sale Price : $2,943.00
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Showing 1 to 15 of 16174 (1079 Pages)

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10 digits phone number is required

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10 digits phone number is required

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Invalid Zipcode!

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We are sorry, but we do not deliver to your area. Please contact our store, and we can facilitate a pick up.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.