101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (2024)

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101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (1)

ByCharlotte Hilton Andersen

Updated: Feb. 01, 2024

    Looking for the perfect way to tell someone that they're on your mind? From funny to heartwarming to loving, these "thinking of you" messages will do the trick.

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    101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (2)

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    “Thinking of you” messages can mean the world to someone

    Whether you want to wish someone luck, let them know you’re thinking of them on a difficult day, remind them you love them or simply want to say hi, sending “thinking of you” messages is an easy and beautiful way to show you care. After all, who wouldn’t love to hear that someone is thinking of them?

    Yes, some occasions call for more specific messages, like if you want to say happy birthday, congratulations, get well soon or that you’re sorry for someone’s loss. But “thinking of you” messages have their own special place in the world of messages, even when you’re conveying some of those sentiments above. Actor Rob Lowe summed up the importance of “thinking of you” messages perfectly when he said: “Friendships are hard—everyone is busy, and life happens. I’ve learned you gotta text people when you’re thinking of them. A simple ‘Thinking of you, hope all is well’ really goes a long way.”

    What’s the best thing to say to let someone know you’re thinking of them?

    Crafting the perfect little message can be tricky. You want to strike the right tone (is this the time to be funny or serious?), tailor it to the occasion and the person, followetiquette rulesand yet still speak from the heart. It’s a lot, we know, but don’t let that intimidate you! To help you write exactly what you want to say, we’ve compiled 101 “thinking of you” quotes and messages for every special someone in your life. These uplifting quotes can also help you find the right words, and if you want to add a personalized touch, you can’t go wrong with beautiful blooms from one of our favorite online flower delivery services, a sweet treat or another little thoughtful gift.

    101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (3)

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    “Thinking of you” messages for friends

    1. Just wanted to let you know that you’ve been on my mind.

    2. Thinking of you and all the ways you make my life brighter, happier and funner. (That’s not a word, but it should be!)

    3. You popped up on my social media feed, and it reminded me how much I adore you. Let’s catch up in real life soon!

    4. Love you! That’s all!

    5. This may sound cheesy, but I’m so grate-ful to have such a gouda friend.

    6. Thinking about you and hoping you are well.

    7. I miss you! My life is just not as fun without you in it.

    8. Eating chocolate-chip cookie dough will always remind me of you—and will always make me smile!

    9. Just a quick note to tell you I’m thinking about you!

    10. My favorite memories are the ones with you in them.

    11. Call me if you get bored, or want to hear a joke, or anytime—I’ll always answer.

    12. I want you to know I’ve never forgotten that time you saved me. Well, all the times, really. What would I do without you?

    13. We keep saying we should get together and catch up—so how about this weekend? My treat.

    14. I don’t tell you often enough how much you mean to me. So here’s me doing just that!

    15. I love you so much that your number is the only one I remember when I’m drunk.

    16. I miss you like cereal misses milk. Or milk misses cereal. Which do you pour first?!

    17. Know this: You’re always in my heart.

    18. No matter where you go or what you do, I will never not smile when I think of you.

    19. You make me laugh so hard that I pee a little, so now every time I pee, I think of you.

    20. I know you’re busy, so I’ll keep this short: Thinking about you!

    “Thinking of you” messages are the perfect opportunity to include thank-you messages and love messages as well.

    101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (4)

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    “Thinking of you” messages for boyfriends and husbands

    21.Guess what I’m thinking right now! It starts with a “u.” That’s it, actually. Just you.

    22. I think of you the way Garfield thinks of lasagna.

    23. I just heard our song, and it totally made me smile and think of you.

    24. I’m obsessed with you. But like in the cute rom-com way, not the serial killer way.

    25. I’m so grateful I get to wake up next to my best friend every morning. I hope you have the best day!

    26. Just sitting here thinking about that time you kissed me and I felt it tingling from my head to my toes.

    27. Remember that time we did that thing and couldn’t stop laughing? Best day ever.

    28. Hey, dude—I love you, and don’t forget it!

    29. It’s not that I think about you all the time. Sometimes I have to sleep.

    30. I’d rather be kissing you than missing you.

    31. I saw a book about great men through history, and it made me think of you.

    32. Our text thread is always pinned at the top of my messages! [Insert favorite emoji]

    33. I need you as much as flowers need rain. Or at least as much as we need dish soap. Mind grabbing some on the way home?

    34. They say if your ears itch, someone you love is thinking about you. I’m hoping it’s you! Otherwise I think I have an ear infection.

    35. I don’t always smile … but when I do it’s because I’m thinking about you.

    36. If I had a dollar for every thought I’ve had of you, it would only be $1. Because I haven’t stopped thinking about you since we met.

    37. Just the smell of your cologne is enough to make me forget what I was doing.

    38. Thinking of all the good times we’ve had together and how excited I am for what’s next.

    39. I believe in you, no matter what.

    40. You are my favorite daydream, and night dream.

    You can also send these relationship quotes that celebrate love—or these flirty texts if you have something else in mind.

    101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (5)

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    “Thinking of you” messages for girlfriends and wives

    41. The picture of our first date popped up in my photo memories, and it reminded me of why I fell in love with you.

    42. I started hugging my pillow thinking it was you. Yeah, I’m still on the bus. The dude next to me was not amused.

    43, Since I can’t get you out of my head, that must mean you’re supposed to be in there.

    44. Started making a list of all the ways you’re amazing, and I ran out of paper.

    45. I’d rather do nothing with you than everything with anyone else.

    46. In case I haven’t told you lately: You’re the best, and I love you.

    47. I know we just saw each other, but I’m already counting down the hours until I get to see you again.

    48. I was just talking to my friends about how awesome you are and figured I should tell you too.

    49. Goodnight, gorgeous, and sweet dreams! I know you’ll be in mine.

    50. I’ll always be the PB to your J. Even if one of us has to go gluten-free or give up sugar.

    51. How often is too often to think about you?

    52. I miss you like people miss cake and booze on Jan. 1.

    53. I love thinking about you—and not just when work is slow!

    54. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep.

    55. Thinking of you is like an addiction … but I don’t wanna go to rehab.

    56. Every time I think about how hard it is to say goodbye, I remember how lucky I am to have someone I love that much.

    57. I think of you so much, it makes me forget everything else!

    58. Just sitting here thinking about how pretty you are. And smart. And funny. And all-around awesome. Man, I’m lucky.

    Of course, don’t forget the big milestones in your relationship. When those roll around, these anniversary messages will help you find the perfect words.

    101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (6)

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    “Thinking of you” messages for someone going through a tough time

    59. I love you. I care about you. I’m here for you.

    60. You’ve been on my mind and in my heart these past few difficult weeks.

    61. In case you ever forget, I’m here to remind you how strong, amazing and courageous you are.

    62. I imagine today will be a difficult one for you. My heart is with you.

    63. I’m praying for you.

    64. I can’t fix what you’re going through, but know that at least you don’t have to go through it alone.

    65. I’m thinking of you and want to listen whenever you want to talk.

    66. Whatever today holds, go out there and kick butt! I believe in you!

    67. Answer the following question to win a prize. Today I need: a) a hug, b) a coffee run or c) dinner DoorDashed.

    68. You’ve been there for me so many times—please let me be there for you now.

    69. Miss you already! We’ll be together again soon.

    70. Get some rest, and when you’re ready, I’d love to get coffee and talk.

    71. Life can be so hard, but that’s why we have friends! I’m here for you.

    72. Thinking of you and hoping today is a little bit better than yesterday.

    73. Guess who has two thumbs and is thinking about you right now? THIS GIRL/GUY.

    74. Sending you warm hugs and all my love today.

    75. Today is a tough day. Hoping you get good news soon.

    76. I will always be grateful for you in my life—what you were to me then and what you are to me now.

    77. No matter what happens next, you will have me by your side.

    78. Sending you positive vibes, healing and protection today.

    79. May you feel angels, both those on earth and in heaven, watching over you today.

    80. Let’s get together and complain about all our bodily ailments again soon!

    81. I love you through the good days and the bad days.

    82. Good luck today! You got this!

    For more inspiration for what to say to someone going through a hard time, check out these hope quotes.

    101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (7)

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    “Thinking of you” quotes

    83. “Sometimes me think, ‘What is friend?’ and then me say, ‘Friend is someone to share the last cookie with.'” —Cookie Monster

    84. “If I have a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” —Claudia Adrienne Grandi

    85. “No matter where I go, or what I do, I’m thinking of you.” —Dierks Bentley

    86. “My heart dances with joy when I think about you.” —Debasish Mridha

    87. “I don’t know where you are, but I miss you. I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m thinking of you.” —London Mond

    88. “I love you, and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” —F. Scott Fitzgerald

    89. “A day without you is like a day without sunshine. A life without you is like a life without music. You are the sunshine on my face and the music in my heart.” —Alfiya Shaliheen

    90. “When I think of you, I think of kindness, wisdom and love. Thanks for being you.” —Sam Crow

    91. “Between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there’s only one today. And I would never let it pass without telling you I’m thinking of you.” —Mitch Cuento

    92. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” —Audrey Hepburn

    93. “My heart dances with joy when I think about you.” —Debasish Mridha

    94. “Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age.” —John Dryden

    95. “All that you are is all that I’ll ever need.” —Ed Sheeran

    96. “Some people are so much sunshine to the square inch.” —Walt Whitman

    97. “If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.” —George MacDonald

    98. “That’s how you know you love someone: when you can’t experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it too.” —Kaui Hart Hemmings

    99. “Somewhere someone is thinking of you. Someone is calling you an angel.” —Henry Rollins

    100. “Romance is thinking about your significant other when you are supposed to be thinking about something else.” —Nicholas Sparks

    101. “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. … It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” —C.S. Lewis

    Sending a “thinking of you” message is a small act of kindnessthat can make the world a better place, so what are you waiting for? You have the power to brighten someone’s day right now!

    101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (8)

    via merchant (3)

    Little gifts that mean a lot

    If a sweet little note brings a smile, imagine what a sweet little gift can do! A “just because” gift can set the stage for romance with your significant other, help a friend get through a tough day or let a family member know you’re thinking about them, no matter how far away they are. And when it comes to “thinking of you” gifts, bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better—it’s really the thought that counts.

    • FTD Love Letter Bouquet: The name says it all! This gorgeous bouquet is a veritable love letter to your beloved, with its hot pink roses and dark purple poms. Think of it as the boudoir version of your traditional red roses—sexy, unique and utterly perfect.
    • Urban Stems The Betsy Bouquet: This whimsical bundle will put a pep in the step of a friend in need of a pick-me-up or one you just miss. It’s packed with anemones, ruscus, ranunculus and solomio, and you can add candy, a candle or other little goodies along with it if you’d like.
    • Anthropologie Zelda Frame: This Art Deco–inspired frame is gorgeous on its own … but it’s even better when filled with a picture of the two of you! It’s a thoughtful gift that keeps on giving.
    • Aura Mason Frame: While this frame is more of an investment, it’s the perfect splurge for family members—especially grandparents—who are far away. This high-tech giftlets you share photos and videos so you can feel more connected to one another.
    • Milk Bar Assorted Truffle Box: Editor tested and approved! These foodie-recommended sweets are beyond delicious, and this box comes with three of the brand’s bestsellers: B’day Truffles, Chocolate B’Day Truffles and Red Velvet Cheesecake Cake Truffles. You might want to get one for yourself while you’re at it!
    • Birthdate Co. Birthdate Candle Set: What do you get when you combine astrology, numerology and tarot cards and then mix it up with someone’s birthday? This cool candle! They’ll love reading all about themselves—and enjoy the customized scent while they do.
    • Cheryl’s Cookies “Cookies to the Rescue” Treats Pail: If someone is having a tough day, it’s cookies to the rescue! Need we say more? OK, how about chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, lemon burst and buttercream frosted? Oh, and let’s not forget the fudge brownies and chocolate-covered pretzels either!
    • Greetabl Personalized Gift Box: Consider this the ultimate self-care gift. You get to choose from bath items, jewelry, candles, candies, fuzzy socks, gift cards and so much more (including a mini piñata!), have it packaged in the coolest box and have everything delivered right to their doorstep—all without ever leaving your couch!

    Originally Published: January 19, 2023


    Charlotte Hilton Andersen

    Charlotte is an award-winning journalist, covering etiquette, relationships, psychology, health and lifestyle. She's written more than 50 etiquette stories for Reader's Digest, spearheading the site’s popular Polite Habits and Best Messages franchises. Her skill at capturing the essence of her subjects shapes her human-interest and “as told t...

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    101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (9)

    101 “Thinking of You” Messages That Will Make Anyone Smile (2024)
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